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Yet another witch's tale help request lol

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by mordaki987, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. mordaki987

    mordaki987 Well-Known Member

    ;D ok i'm throughly lost and confused on this one! lol If anyones gotten this far what is the puzzle solution for Kaguya's Castle on plant world 3? I can't figure it out to save my life. any help would be appreciated.
  2. EntropicKitty

    EntropicKitty Well-Known Member

    Hmm puzzle in world 3? That's the plant world isn't it?

    I don't remember that one being too difficult. You mean the fan, ball and cube puzzle?
    It goes; fan, ball, cube.
    It has pictures on the floor telling you that.

    Or do you mean the warps? Just go in them all and see where they take you, you'll get there eventually. (I can't remember which warps went where)
  3. pinklady23

    pinklady23 Member

    Hey you guys

    do you know how to go the ice castle, i`m stuck with the ice puzzle ( tot the left)

    thanks pinklady
  4. To get to the castle you need to go up and to the west, then down, to someplace that looks like an ice rink then skate around till you get to the mouth of the cave, this puzzle is pretty easy, there will be 1 other rink puzzle then your at the castle, inside the castle are harder rink puzzles so whatch out! Hope it helps!
    Pay real close to the carpet, if its fishies look at the number of fish in each section, there'll be three room you gotta pass so there'll be three set of fishies. match the two nomber on the door to the first, second then third set of fishies. If its cat im pretty sure you gotta look at their colour, pink black and another, again 3 rooms, 3 cats, match the colours this time. Then theirs the cubes and other shapes (I think) just do the same thing and you should be fine! Hope it helps