Well, it looks decent at least. Looks like you can only get it from GameStop or from NoA though.
Akane... the only system that this game was released was the Wii. It is published by Nintendo so that rules all non-Nintendo systems out.
And it seems to be keeping its European dub. Lazy ninty is lazy. But great game actually, loved the story.
Holy shit Nintendo actually listened for once. Well more like they just got fed up with the fans bitching, but still, its SOMETHING at least.
I was about fed up with figuring out what to do with modding my Wii.. Huh In any case THE INTERNET WINS YET AGAIN
I hope that it has something extra and fixes the issue with one of the female characters, the sniper rifle girl, one cant play as her at all since her weapon "overheats" and it's an issue to unheat it.