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[X360] Project Gotham Racing 4 - 0790

Discussion in 'Game Reviews' started by 0790, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. 0790

    0790 Well-Known Member



    So this game has been around a while but I just picked up a copy on the cheap in a recent sale. Purely and simply this game is racing with style. Gameplay varies from straight out street racing to cone destroying challenges and overtaking challenges. Released in October 07 from Bizzare Creations (then a microsoft studio) for the XBOX360 it is the third sequel to the original xbox title. This released added many new features including a dynamic weather system which means on a 4 lap race of the nurburgring you could find yourself battling horrendous rain that creates large puddles causes you to rethink you cornering; also added were motorcycles as well as expanding multiplayer systems.


    So I suppose firstly I will talk about the presentation of this game which to sum up in two words is "really sharp". The menus are clean and bold although at some points I have found myself lost trying to find certain features and settings as no 'back-trace' is given so you can never be a 100% sure you're in the right place. The load screens in the game are simplistic but tell you details of the race including track layout and weather conditions. The main game itself harbours a career mode set in a Yearly calendar format; which I must say I find annoying as this means to play every event on the game you must complete four calendar years, also this limits your ability to pick and choose the type of race you want to play (although the very nicely laidout Arcade Mode accomodates quite nicely to that means).

    Moving onto the details; the graphics. This game is sharp as a bucks tooth in the graphics department, the cars are very well modelled, I would say quite easily on par with GT5, the weather effects are quite good also with everything from Snow to Fog appearing brilliantly.

    Gameplay is next on the agenda; smooth is I think covers it. The controls are tight and well responsive, the AI is clever and yet decidedly human, there are very few game I see where a AI racer will truely make horrendous mistakes, on quite a few occasions I have seen AI opponents misjudge a wet corner and spin out. Following from a well played AI are the many game modes, from street races too cone knockdown and avoidance they all feature here and are available online, which is a treat.


    The music ingame is varied and generally drowned by engine noise but it nevertheless contains a variety of tracks catering to various tastes that in many ways compliment the racing experience. Engines also sound engine-like which is a plus.

    And finally I must appraise this games lasting appeal, which I must say with its many single and multiplayer modes is quite long lasting; that is however if the racing holds you. All racing becomes repetitive after time I'm sure puts a damp squib on it despite all the modes it crams in.

    Ratings as follows:
    Presentation 9/10 - Clean and sharp but at times perhaps overly simple.
    Graphics 9.5/10 - Again clean and sharp, but not always perfect.
    Gameplay 8.5/10 - Many modes, all of which boils down to the same racing. Saved by brilliant AI good weather effects.
    Sound 8/10 - Licensed tracks drowned by the spine-tingling revs from your Ferrari.
    Lasting Appeal 8.5/10 - Unlocking everything will take hours, multiplayer is well organised and fun. Will last as a pick up and play item.

    Overall Rating 43.5/50 - A great racer!
  2. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    Project Gotham huh? I like the review 0790, good job, keep up the good work
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    the lotus elise is one of my favorite cars.

    i want one eventually.
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Good review 0790. Keep working on Placeholder.
  5. CJneeds6characters

    CJneeds6characters Well-Known Member

    I think I had the 3 game of this series(it was on xbox, i sold it a while back.)

    anyways good review, a bit short, but good anyways
  6. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    I actually loved the layout how you freshed it all, execellent.