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Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by newbie1234, Jul 28, 2007.

  1. newbie1234

    newbie1234 Active Member

    I have been frequenting this site for a while, but just now I logged on and my security picked up on a Trojan virus! I didn't click on any banners or ads or anything, and it was the only website aside from my homepage that I visited this session. it just appeared a second or two after the site finished loading!
  2. newbie1234

    newbie1234 Active Member

    specifically, it picked up on it when I entered the NDS roms section.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    A trojan is an execuatable program, and browers cannot download files unannounced, so that is kind of odd. What browser do you use?
  4. newbie1234

    newbie1234 Active Member

    I'm currently using IE. the security i'm using is windows live onecare
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    say no more, it is perfectly possible that IE is doing stuff behind your back using a mechanism called 'ActiveX' which M$, in their great wisdom (NOT), invented. Please google for 'spybot search and destroy', download it, install, update and scan for problems (run the immunize first). Fix all problems, and switch to firefox instead of IE then you're good to go :)

    For our part, we will attempt to establish which of the ads attempted to install this virus and have it removed.
  6. newbie1234

    newbie1234 Active Member

    Thank you, though I still don't quite understand what the problem was ???...

    <- read username :p
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Probably one of our pop ups, there's not much we can do about the content in them, I keep yelling at the ad agency for not doing anything about it, once the other revenue picks up I'll move away from them.