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write protected on r4/sd cards

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by all for the kids, Dec 31, 2008.

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  1. hi i hope i am asking this right for help ,but yes really stuck,me and my partner have been on this now for nearly 3 days and getting nowhere fast ,been reading problems like ours then can get no further hope i can explain this right
    have got as far as click sd card-right click sd card-press format-fat 32-quick format check-give name to volume area-click start
    we do all that then the window pops up write protected,this is the big problem we cannot transfer the games on to our sd cards/msd card/r4 card,it,s just not happening,have tryed everything so far
    we have downloaded winrar from a link in your problem pages,which has got us alot further ,i keep seeing the word emunulater do i need one of these and i have looked and read but still no clue,so sorry about this and thank you for your help in advance hugs all for the kidsxxx
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Are you using an SD adapter for your MicroSD? Mine has a little latch on the side that says "Lock" and you can move it back and forth. I've never used it before but I'm assuming it's a Read Only lock similar to the old Floppy Disks.

    I searched for it on google and it appears that it is a read-only lock. Slide it to the non-lock position and it should give you write access.
  3. Shiko99

    Shiko99 Member

    I agree with TirithRR, there should be this kind of movable "lock" on the left side of your SD Adapter, about 5 mm from the top (estimating)? Just look at the front of the adapter, and on top of the words, Micro SD, the cool symbols, there should be a word saying, lock with the down sign beside it. If it is down, that means that the adapter is protecting you from changing anything on the card, so all you have to do is push the lock up and you're fine!

    I only have a Kingston MicroSD so yeah, not really sure if that relates to your SD card, but hopefully this helps! XD
  4. hi thank youuu so much both of you,have chased him round the kitchen with fry pan ,yes it was that but i know i,m asking alot and being cheeky the games are going onto the micro sd card (yipee)but when put into ds lite top screen reads loading and does nothing ,staring at it right now bottom screen just black and blank,have got an emulator downded and winrar and games ,do you know where we are going wrong got 4 ungratful kids asking every 5 mins are they done yet ,agian thankyou so much for trying to save my insanity lol,hugs t
  5. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member


    Since you've formatted your card, you need to download the firmware for it again. Go to this site and download the latest firmware for your Flashcart. Extract the files onto the root of your SD.

    Make sure to download the correct firmware. There are many different types of R4 cards.
  6. hi yipee yipee yipee iwant to thank you so much you have saved my insanity ,we ,ve got lift off and my kids are so happy ,great site with very friendley users,thanks agian happy new year to all hugs txxx
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