well lets just face it, as long as there are people with differ race, country, political view and religion, there will be no world peace, because tollerance can only do so much, sooner or later war will break when someone hits the limit. so the only real way to achive world peace is 1. unite everyone in a race, which is human.... no white, no black, no asia.... just human 2. unite every country under one leadership.... make every leader of every country give up thier power and form a commitee... no not like UN. 3. kill every religion, this way people will be train to think loggically, and it will help advancement of human race faster. but its not possible because 1. union of every race isnt possible with current people mind set, and to change people's mind set will take a very long time, plus since human like to complete with each other, Racism will always be an issue. 2. you can only dream on if you expect every world leader to give up thier power totally, so since thier arent willing to giveup thier power for greater good, someone must take it from them via world domination, the problem is, anyone who try to take over the world by force is view as a heartless evil people that must be stop, people are too narrow minded to see the bigger picture. 3. religion isnt possible to kill unless the civilization die out, simple people are too scared to take respossiblility on thier own, they want, or need to belive there is a greater power at work and they cant do anything to stop it.... in other word, people are weak. now discuss.
1.It's a bit hard unless education standards are changed and... prehaps remove the previous residents of this planet and start fresh, hard thoug because even if they learn without someone who has any sort of views, they'd still ask "why is his skin a different colour?" 2.Dictatorship...that's my idea. Won't work-someone will struggle for power and kill off the previous or manipulate things in their favour-and one person can't watch he planet-and their aids might have differing veiws despite what the leader might have thought at some point. 3.Killing religion AND politics is a good place to start...but how is the question. If you outlaw it-people will still practice it "underground". I saw this movie where only logical thoughts were allowed, and stuff like religion and personal items were illegal-yet it somehow found a way 9if I remember the name I'll post it). Politics I believed should be removed ecause the leaders also have their own personal veiws, the fanatics who follow them can nearly be as bad as the religious! In reality they just conflict with each other...
Don't forget.... I heard the education here in southeast Asia is real tough. So yeah. Equalize the education standards. Laws should be good enough and penalties should be passed to those who failed to comply. Be equal. Respect each other. That should be one law... i guess.
yeah because dictatorship really leads to peace. it's not possible and to be honest i dont want it to be possible, conflict is good.
But conflict is why we have terrorist. Unlike school yard bullies we can't seperate them, nor can we ignore them unless we ignore the lives they take. And that would be wrong...
every country have some form of dictatorship, the only differ is how much freedom they give to thier citizen. the only country that doesnt have dictatorship is a country where thier citizen can do whatever they want good or bad. also i didnt mention education is because when you unite every country, the education standard will also united automatically..... also by that is the only way that human race is creadited by any achivement, example, if the world is united when people 1st step on the moon, instead of USA flag, neil armstrong will put on the flag of Earth.
Which I don't think exist because it means people can be animals... Religion and poitics were designed as a form of protection and order system in which helps keep people in line-and police and military to enforce their will. But because of the many systems there is always conflict...so really not having religion or politics is just as bad. Someone could break into my house, I go out to defend my belongings, and get shot by some kid who just wants to have a bit if fun! There is no hope for world peace...we can only delay the enivitable.
yup, thats why i said every country have some form of dictatorship, including the free country call US.... because gorvement is something must have for human race, we cant work without someone watching over for us.... unlike ants.... ants work together without goverment.... every ant know thier place in the colony.
US is actually more restrictive than Australia : Many refugee's these days are coming down here because the laws are relaxed...we don't even have a death penatly! The ants have a great system...but they are almost like robots-they just serve the queen and nothing else. If a creature is intelligent to have an opinion or a form of speech that can be translated then conflict will happen.
acutally they dont serve the queen, they serve the colony. the queen have no ruling power over the ants, but the queen is the most importance part of the colony because she is the only one who can give birth to new ants.
Most of Europe will be ruled by one government as of 1st December. Will it be peaceful? not likely since most of the countries were either duped into joining the single government (i.e they weren't told it was really about one government for the whole of europe) or were forced into it (like the Irish, they were given a choice, they said no, so they were given the choice again, and would have been repeatedly given the choice until the answer was yes, or the Czechs, whos president was threatened with impeachment by the EU if he did not agree) or they were not given a choice at all, like the British, who were signed up to it by their government without the promised referendum.
It's just survival of the fittest...because of that rule, peace can't exist. Ants fight other species of ants to have food, territory and others. Humans can be the same.
Every death in the name of race, country, politics and religion is nothing when compared to those who die by starvation and poverty. We as humans seem to be very tolerant when it comes to letting other people starve to death. War is nothing compared to the cruelty of poverty. Not true, most of Europe has not been governed by any form of politics since World war 1, banks have and will continue to rule Europe. They said yes because it was so obvious to everyone in Ireland that the corrupt bankers in Europe could at least have the sense not to destroy the Irish money scam unlike the corrupt bankers in Ireland.
I hope this never happens. Now believe me when I say I'm far from religious....But the world without religion would turn into a massacre. I don't think my Grandmother (Who is very religious) would survive without religion, that's how important it is to her. A world without beliefs means a world without a future. Sometimes when you've got nothing left and you need help, looking up into that sky and balling your eyes out is sometimes the only think that keeps people going. I think it is us that needs changing, not religion. We have to face the fact that difference between humans is a good thing, and not bad.
Why on earth would anyone want world peace? It's counterproductive. What I'd like is for people to actually see where the accumulation of power in the world actually is - within large businesses and media corporations. World peace, seriously, wat. Conflict advances us. As for removing religion to promote logical thinking, you might as well remove all ethical and moral considerations from the mind of every human being to continue this ideal (you could say that, logically, ethics are what are holding back many areas of science - some for good reason). Which is stupid. We'd be little more than robots. Find a better ground for your religion-bashing.
World peace can be obtainable but because the way the human mind works this can't be achieved. This one question made me think about Watchmen and strangely enough they had the perfect solution. Create an enemy strong enough to face everyone, every single country. Allow him/her/it to be a immediate threat. Place him/her/it on a place where humankind doesn't have the technology yet to reach to get rid of the problem. It's like small things. If two girls are fighting and suddenly something comes along that is a threat to both of them they will work together to get rid of the threat. Strangely enough, the only way to unify is through a big enough terror.