Make sure it was installed right. Backup your games/saves. Format your MicroSD using a formatting program.
All I can suggest is that you don't have an original R4, or you're doing something wrong. Are you sure you have an original R4? What does it say on the label?
That sounds like the original, yeah. What exactly did you put on your card? There should be a folder called _rpg and an file called _DS_MENU.DAT both on the root of your card.
Make sure you're using the one for the ORIGINAL R4 and its not for a clone. Also make sure you're not using the R.P.G one. First off, format your microSD and place the two files _rpg and _DS_MENU.DAT in the root of your microSD .
you must have the original, becuase ive tried using it on a clone r4 and it just gets stuck on the loading screen. try installing the newer version of wood, 1.07 and see if it works, or download it from somewhere else, also check if the wood you have has compatibility with your games, and make sure they are not patched, ive seen that the wood only works with none patched roms
It work fine with patched roms, it just says it doesn't support them, which means if you use a dodgy patchand it corrupts or damages something, it's not the developer's fault. So that's probably not causing any problems.
same problem with me but i dont want wood r4 you could try dstt 1.17a12 with latest extinfo infolib and savlib its 0.1 percent worse than wood r4
i have done that but it dont work it gets stuck on a white sceen. is there away to get patched games to work on ysmenu.
The last time I used YSMenu, patched ROMs worked for me. Are you certain you're using an original R4?