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Wood R4 - The New firmware 99.8% Compatibility

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by ar3eu5, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. ar3eu5

    ar3eu5 Member

    Well as the 1st Wood Forum got Locked , I thought I may as well start it again.
    So I just Copied the 1st post!
    Saved me time.


    How To Setup Wood R4 [.PDF]:
    http://www.mediafire.com/?641jvc4iwb5bgv6 / http://megaupload.com/?d=ZKWCYYYU

    Wood R4 for R4 Original - download here:

    Wood R4 for R4iDSN - download here:

    Wood R4 for R4iDS Gold - download here:

    Heres The Nds Loader For Wood R4 Original:


    Heres The Nds Loader for R4IDSN:

    And Heres the NDS loader for R4iDS Gold:
  2. Rumiko

    Rumiko Well-Known Member

    Well this doesn't help any.
  3. mpc2007

    mpc2007 Well-Known Member

    Better use EDGE.....
  4. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    This is crap. You just copy paste =.= I hope someone make a better one ;D
  5. parpukari90

    parpukari90 Member

    thanks, i really appriciate it
  6. ar3eu5

    ar3eu5 Member

    yeah but when new one comes out i update an we needed the thread open again
  7. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    At least put some more work into this thread...
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Without the loader ".nds", most new user can't make any use of your links. Cause your links are only good for those already have Wood installed in their cart.

    The original topic host removed the link to it before it was locked down. New users would need it to run Wood on their cart.
  9. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    It's a little suspicious that just as Coolkill3r storms off in a huff, this new user suddenly appears, and the first thing they do is continue his work...
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Ar3eu5 is not CK3. He admitted openly in blue saying he copied over the link addresses from CK3's locked topic page. The real guy don't need to make that statement.

    And more over, ar3eu5 didn't upload or mention anything about the "loader" which is required to boot load the _rpg folder from Yellow Wood Goblin. Either he didn't realise that the .nds file is not included in that link download or he's not aware it exsist. Simple deduction.

    And the Mods said they welcome anyone who want to take over this wood topic if you had read the final post inside the locked topic, and that locked topic will be deleted soon. Ar3eu5 is doing just that to preserve the important info for anyone who need it.
  11. sajon123

    sajon123 Well-Known Member

  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I got permission to post it here from Coolkill3r a.k.a CK3 earlier today. He was the original topic host for WOOD/WAIO in Romulation before his topic page got shut down.

    Here are his loader collection for use alongside the _rpg folder that gets updated by Yellow Wood Goblin a.k.a YWG from time to time:

    Coolkill3r's official link: http://filetrip.net/f23019-Wood-R4-%28CK3%29%28-NDS-file-to-load-Wood-R4%29-1-17.html

    Here's the latest current Wood R4 v.1.18 link from YWG: http://filetrip.net/f22924-Wood-R4-1-18.html

    The latest to date for the loader is the v.1.17 while the _rpg folder is v.1.18. CK3 said he will upload each new version he made exclusively on filetrip.com only! Expect the next update from him once YWG update his _rpg folder.

    [quote author=Coolkill3r on Filetrip.com]THIS FILE ONLY MAY BE UPLOADED ON FILETRIP!

    Wood R4 v1.17 (CK3).NDS

    1. Download Wood R4 (latest)
    2. Copy the '__rpg' folder to the root of your card.
    3. Then copy the 'Wood R4 v1.17 (CK3).NDS' file and place it somewhere on your card.
    4. Start your firmware and load the '.NDS' file

    CoolKill3r's Profile:

    Xenon++'s Profile:

    Special thanks to Xenon++ for helping me make this!
    THX for downloading

    * CoolKill3r *

    Change log (v1.17):

    • R4iDSN (www.r4idsn.com) support added. Thanx to R4iDSN team for provided support.

    • 'Tamagotchi No Narikiri Challenge (J)' fixed.
    • 'Cooking Mama World - Hobbies And Fun (E)' fixed.
    • 'Mario VS. Donkey Kong - Mini-Land Mayhem (U)' fixed.
    • 'DSOrganize' fixed.
    • 'Blue Dragon - Awakened Shadow (F)' fixed.
    • 'Call Of Duty - Black Ops (G)' fixed.

    You are free to download and free to pass around the above link within romulation only! You may not download for the purpose of re-uploading to other file hosting sites.

    The official Coolkill3r's wood loader ".nds" is from CK3 himself with the permission of Xenon++, and only available through filetrip.com and upload by CK3 himself.

    ** If you get CK3's loader from other than filetrip.com, then its stolen and shouldn't be use as it may contain errors. **

    All credit goes to : Coolkill3r and Xenon++ (for the loader .nds) as well as Yellow Wood Goblin (for the _rpg folder updates)
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    herself lol!
  14. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    ...It was only a joke... :(
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Haha...don't take my words too seriously. ;D It was just an easy going explaination. ;)
  16. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    People should learn to make .nds files themselves then if they don't want to/can't use the firmware as is. A topic about Wood R4 should be about the new releases of Wood R4 with an easy way to follow them for those that don't visit GBAtemp. Anybody expecting a Coolkill3r style Wood R4 thread is going to be forever sorely disappointed.

    A .nds file is not a natural part of the release, so people should not expect it.

    /crush high expectations
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If making it is that easy I would have done so too. But I know nothing about how to make one cause I'm not a programmer and I don't know much about it either, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other members doesn't know about it too. I don't even have any idea about how to make use of YWG's updates without that loader updated. So we're really relying on people like CK3, XAssasin, Retrogamefan, Xenon++, YWG, etc. for it.

    I see you're in good spirit today, maybe by chance you know how to make it and feeling generous enough to share the know how about making one through the tutorial forum? I'm sure it would be very handy and interesting to learn.
  18. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I have no idea and have no use for it. Even if I did, I wouldn't bother helping others, as honestly, I don't care.

    People need to learn how to provide for themselves every once in awhile Learn something new, would be a better way to spend time here than complaining every four minutes that a game doesn't work for one reason or another.
  19. ar3eu5

    ar3eu5 Member

    updated 1st page with the nds loader for varios flashcarts and what did i say???

    now thanks
  20. sajon123

    sajon123 Well-Known Member

    This is a quote from another world on gbatemp.

    all a joke lol