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Wood R4 Help

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by gettajob0007, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    I got wood r4 and all my games work and all, when selecting games, all I can see is the picture of the game not the name. This maybe because of the pitch black background but I'm unsure how to change it. Please Help!
  2. OnStrings

    OnStrings Member

    SD card -> _rpg folder -> ui
    And then put in one of the themes from www.ndsthemes.com
    Then change the theme in Wood directly through your DS.

    And is it really that big of a problem? Luls.
  3. Yasuhiko

    Yasuhiko Member

    You probably deleted the UI that Wood was set to use, so it's freaking out on you. In order to fix this, go into root:/_RPG/globalsettings.ini

    In the first line, you'll see a variable assignment uiName. Change the right side of that assignment to the name of a folder inside of your Root:/_RPG/ui folder, and your problem should be fixed.