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"Wonder"-ful Pokemon

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by s_quizno, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. s_quizno

    s_quizno Well-Known Member

    Many who battle Pokemon on-line will probably face someone who uses the obviously hacked, but ridiculously crazy Wonder Pokemon - Pokemon modified to have Wonderguard as their ability.
    For those who don't know, Wonderguard only allows moves that are super-effective against the user to hit.
    Therefore, most people use Spiritomb as the base to create their very own Wonder Pokemon, for its Dark/Ghost (or Ghost/Dark) typing has no weaknesses. The only legitimate movesets that can directly kill these Pokemon are those equipped with Perish Song, Ghost Pokemon with Curse, and Pokemon with the Moldbreaker ability - GO RAMPARDOS!
    For the "Wondertombs", Foresight/Odor Sleuth combined with a Fighting move will destroy them (insanecrazy07, 2010).
    They can also be killed indirectly with statuses and/or weather conditions, as well as Stealth rocks and/or Spikes (no idea if Struggle will hit, probably not though).
    If you can time it right, Destiny Bond can bring them down (insanecrazy07, 2010).
    However, most people that I've encountered do not use their Wonder Pokemon to their full potential. Many have flashy, yet uninspiring techniques such as Spacial Rend, and other signature moves. Still very hard to beat though
    Now if I were to make my own Wonderful Pokemon . . .

    Mean Look/Perish Song
    Pokemon: Sableye - it's faster than Spiritomb
    Item: Focus Sash
    Mean Look
    Perish Song
    As long as the trainer has a Pokemon to switch with, this set is pretty hard to beat.

    Nasty Dancer
    Pokemon: Sableye
    Item: Leftovers/Lum Berry
    Dragon Dance
    Nasty Plot
    Aura Sphere
    Dragon Claw
    Barring Wonderful Opponents, this set should pretty much destroy all normal Pokemon without the need for a switch.

    Pokemon: Sableye
    Item: Focus Sash
    Mean Look
    Same idea as the Perish Song set, only this one's more of a solo battler.

    Pokemon: Sableye
    Item: Focus Sash
    Stealth Rock
    Skarmory, only pretty much untouchable.

    Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. These sets were intended to be used alone, as a totally cheap and unfair addition to any team. I'm sure there's someone out there who has created an entire team of Wonder Pokemon that support each other wonderfully in battle, but I am not that person.
    So please, rate, bash, loathe, admire and mock these abominations, or better yet, come up with your own and post them for all to see. Yeah, I need 2 more . . . for my revenge

    Member's Workshop - Showcasing the creative talents of our fellow members

    One-Hit Wonder
    Corny, uninspired name, that nevertheless accurately describes the obscene deadliness of these monsters.
    Pokemon: Deoxys Spd
    Item: Choice Scarf
    Ability: No Guard/Wonderguard
    Guillotine/Horn Drill
    Sheer Cold
    Explosion/Horn Drill/Eruption/Water Spout

    Suggested by insanecrazy07 - a demon capable of bringing down anything* before they can hit back**

    Pokemon: Deoxys Spd or Sableye
    Item: Focus Sash
    Guillotine/Horn Drill
    Sheer Cold

    Same idea as above, only it comes with a Security Blanket for the cautious.
    *Does not include Sturdy Pokemon
    **Sucker Punchers (and other priority moves) don't count. They don't exist lalala . . .

    Baton Passer
    Pokemon: Sableye
    Item: Salac Berry
    Baton Pass
    Belly Drum/Nasty Plot/Agility/Other Power up moves
    Spore/Nasty Plot/Agility/Other Power up moves

    Suggested by Suiseiseki - a living, breathing Scapegoat + Power Up, all in one!

    Edit Log
    April 20
    - Added "Member's Workshop"
    - Added additional ways to kill Wonder Pokemon
    April 19
    - Edited spelling errors, since my spelling was ever so wonderfull
    - Added stuff that makes the thread valid in a game help section (BOLD)
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Better hope you don't run into anything with Fire Fang. For some reason it bypasses Wonder Guard.
  3. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Hitmontop's Foresight + Close Combat. Negates the Ghost part and deals super-effective damage on the Dark typing.
    Oh, and destiny bond might be an issue...
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Oh hell no:
    Sableye @ Salac Berry
    - Belly Drum
    - Substitute
    - Baton Pass
    - Spore
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    What about a choice scarfed Deoxys-S with No Guard and god, every OHKO move we have...
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

  7. s_quizno

    s_quizno Well-Known Member

    Seriously? Maybe you just fought Shedinja, which is weak to Fire . . .

    Oh yeah! Foresight and that Odor Sleuth thing, completely forgot about them.

    I learned something today!
  8. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I'm serious, Fire Fang is the only standard move that hits Wondertomb.