Im gonna join gamestops tournament with a wobbufett to be funny because people like to use legendarys at gamestop lol
They allow Legends? That seems like a crappy competition to me. And Wobbufet is usually banned because of how strong he can actually be. If you use him right...he is invinsable.
Not exactly why Wobbuffet is banned from normal play. If used the right way, Wobbuffet can faint one full HP pokémon before it goes down itself. Sometimes even two. Shadow Tag is also a killer ability. Combined with Encore, the opponent will have no choice but to attack for Wobbuffet to COUNTER/MIRROR COAT for, or repeat its non-offensive move, leaving Wobbuffet's team with free turns. FATAL. So look at it this way. With 5 Wobbuffet in one team, no Pokémon may be able to counter it. Heracross's MEGAHORN is the only one I can think of. And yet, we have to say it again... There's a fine line between legendaries and ubers. I got cited by an opponent once from using a Zapdos in standard play. What is that all about?
It all depends on the site that you go to. Some people don't mind it, and some are sore losers and cry about it. You should visit my site and battle people there, everyone knows which Pokemon can and can't be used. Zapdos CAN be used.
Never actually been to a Pokemon Tournament... I wonder what they would say if I walked in there with my Flashcart?
Hmm...Not really. He's not that strong. And if you're up against a Fire, Ice, Rock or Dark...Good luck LOL.
Well, if you go up against someone who don't know jack about pokemon then, you could have a chance with it...