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(Wish I Could Make It a Poll): Is Nurse Joy Mean?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Lephantome92, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    I know, she's helpful and such because she heals your Pokemon, but then she says "I hope your Pokemon either faint or get near death!! Have fun!!" Ok, so it's just "We hope to see you again!", but which is better, hers or mine?
    Ok, the options are:
    1.Yes, that statement is mean
    2.No, that statement is nice
    3.It implies she has a crush on you
    5.I don't play Pokemon

    Personally, I go with 1. she's wishing your Pokemon die!! That's exactly the opposite of what you want to have happen!!
  2. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    As of Pokemon Black and White, Pokemarts have been moved into the Pokemon centers itself. You're kinda getting rid of the business opportunities when you say "Fuck off, don't come back".
  3. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    I always thought it was quite wierd that she hopes to see us again. Because you mostly get there when your pokémon are half dead, but I think she says it because she is just being nice. She wants to see you, because she is nice. Not that your pokémon are dead.
  4. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Besides, you wouldn't go to a Pokemon center if your Pokemon DIE, you'd go to Pokemon Tower in Lavendar Town.
  5. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Relevantly hilarious:
  6. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    Hihi, that was funny
  7. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    Ah, but maybe it's a conspiracy the other way!! You decide you need to buy stuff and go to a Pokecenter, then Nurse Joy is there ogling you the whole time!! Well, doing it from an angle.
    Lol ya know what I mean!! But true, that never made sense between them fainting and actually dieing. I guess your team doesn't DIE die cuz then you'd be down several Pokemon. Hrm...

    EDIT: I just did some research (Cuz i was dumb and forgot) to find out how old Ash was in the first time, forgetting it was 10. Well, for a full-grown nurse to want to see a 10-year-old...

    Well, since "Joy" is a family name, the current ones could be Ash's age (about 25 now), so having a similar age wouldn't make it as perverted. I dont know.
  8. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Ash is still 10 years old FYI.

    He goes through a special machine after every league which resets his age and brain back to 10. It also resets Pikachu back to Lvl. 1 which explains why he can be beat up by a pidove.
  9. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    Else Pikachu would be level level 300 at the end of the Unova league and all the other Pokémon would be that too or Pikachu would beat the crap out of them.
  10. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    lol oops didn't stop ta think ta add the cartoon element!! then if its the same nurse joy... would they let a 10-yr-old be a nurse for pokemon?
  11. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    No, only ahs has the magic fountain of youth, there are just waaaay too much nurse Joys
  12. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    wow, there would be too many!! I mean, there've probably been upwards of 200 pokecenters!! well, more. cuz if you figger 9 NJ's per game (besides Heartgold and Soulsilver, which ill assume to be 18 each) there've been 18 handheld games (saying you put each individual game in its own parallel universe), so then there've been 180 NJ's in the handheld games. i haven't played any of the others, so i dont know the number in each of the other games. now, if you put each trifecta as one world (RBY, GSC, RSE, DPPl, FL, HGSS, BW), you have 63, and by lumping RBY&FL and GSC&HGSS, because they're remakes you end up with just 45. 180, 63, or 45 people there to say "I hope your Pokemon faint!!"
  13. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    There is an episode in the Anime where Brock explains how he i.e. recognizes one Joy over the other, with Jennys the same.
  14. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    well, numbers aside, is that statement still a jerkwad statement? lol thats why i started this.
  15. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    I think she is just trying to be nice, she likes to talk to people so she hopes to see you once in a while.
  16. OnyxKnight_RupenX

    OnyxKnight_RupenX Well-Known Member

    Ash is not still Ten nor is he 25 in the English Anime; he has gained one year of age for every Season or Region I am not sure which. He's fifteen or sixteen, I think.
  17. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    lol then its not weird for teens ta play!!
  18. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    Pikachu does keep his moves
  19. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but the in latest episode (yeah I still watch it sometimes) Ash replaced Pikachu's Uber-powerful move Volt Tackle with a move it normally gets at lvl 8 - Electro Ball

    Honestly, do the writers WANT a weak ass Pikachu in each and every season?
  20. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I have heard, but realy?! removed Volt Tackle!
    How stupid