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WinRAR Not working out

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by B0bo13o, Dec 27, 2008.

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  1. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    Hey! I just downgraded my PSP 2000 using the Pandora trick. It worked.
    Unfortunately I can't or don't know how to get games onto my PSP.
    I followed the tutorials, but they havent said anything about bin. and cue. files. This is the type of file that the rar. file converts into when i use WinRAR.
    I also tried Icetea, didnt work out...stopped responding.
    I've been with this for about 3 hours and nothing. :p

    What can I do???

    BTW I downloaded the game Megaman X4. Tried the North American link but it never started downloading so I tried the Euro link and it works, but I end up with rar. file.

    I have Flashget+flashgot+mozilla fox too. :-\
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Do you want to get .iso image files? And it doesn't convert the file once you extract the game, it's not the term. What is wrong exactly?
  3. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    For PSP ISO's you must make a folder called "ISO" in the root folder of your memory stick. If you want PSX roms on your psp like I think you do, then you need to convert it to an EBOOT.PBP. I think there is a converter called PSXtoPSP or something like that. I hope that helped.
  4. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    Im not exactly sure which files are playable on the PSP... Tutorial says i need to convert the extracted files to eboot, but with WinRAR.

    I'm not sure which files I actually need. :'(
  5. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    WinRAR takes files out of the compressed .rar file. If you downloaded a PSX rom there should be a .bin .cue and .img file. There may be more.
  6. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    Well from Megaman X4 I have extracted a bin and cue file, there wasnt a img file.
    Which file do I need to convert to EBOOT and how can i do that?
    I do have PSX2PSP
  7. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The .bin file. The .cue is a metadata file sheet which shows the tracks of the image or CD/DVD.
  8. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    So far all I have done is:
    1)Downloaded MegaMan X4 [SLUS-00561].rar
    2)Extracted the Bin. and Cue. files using WinRAR
    3)Dowloaded PSX2PSP

    I dont know what to do next because I dont have the Img. file that is used in PSX2PSP.

    Can someone point me in the right direction?
  9. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    I have also tried extracting other PSX ISOs, but all i keep getting is bin. and cue. files? Is this right?
    What should I do next or what should I do period???

    Help please
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Okay, get Alcohol 52% (free), mount your .bin image to a virtual drive (virtual drive mode). Then use ImgBurn (free) to create an .img or .iso (or whatever you need) type image file from that virtual drive. Done.
  11. B0bo13o

    B0bo13o Active Member

    Great news!! I got the files working. I downloaded simple popstation, and it did everything!!
    Thanks for trying!! I really appreciate it. I will keep it in mind for later too.
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