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windows 7. worth it or not?

Discussion in 'Computers & Modding' started by super_pastafari32, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    Hi every body!

    Lately i was taking a look at a microsoft page, and discovered that many people are happy with Windows 7... Why?. Well after a long read of "this is good" and "this is better",
    got to the conclusion that definitely, Microsoft improves his software, and learned from his past mistakes (Vista). Well, but that is not even enough for me to agree with all they and say "YES, DEFINITLY I WILL CHANGE MY BELOVED XP FOR SEVEN". However i made this topic to know wath my so-apreciated rom-comunity thinks about this.
    On my own. I still more confident with my beloved XP, than 7. And the only rason i could exchange it, is for the new Direct X.

    Still, i trust most of you have plenty knowledge on this, so your opinion is important to me.
    Sould i exchange my XP for 7?

    I must add that my computer is not the most powerful in the world.

    - RAM 2GB
    - Video Card Intel-integrated 128mb
    - Hard Disk: Almost 250GB
    - LSD monitor
    - Wev Cam
    - keyboard... with many buttons!!!

    In advance. Thanks for your help
  2. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Not worth it. Keep XP.

    If you get a new computer and get a 1-2GB Video Card and 4+GB of RAM, then go for the 64bit Windows 7.
  3. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    o_O o_O o_O o_O

    WTF? a 2 GB video card? does that even exist? (for a home computer)
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Well, I know 1GB cards exist. And if you set up two 1GB cards in SLI, it's kind of like a 2GB card (not exactly, since both cards still process the full info, but only have to write out half of it).
    I'm not 100% sure you can setup the 1GB cards in SLI... or maybe the 1GB cards are really just two 512's in SLI (I don't think so though).

    Looks like they do support SLI.
  5. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    well i know the 1gb cards exist too but, the whole process you said of taking 2 cards... well whatever
    by the way. how its your computer?
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I have two 512MB 8800gt video cards, 3GB of ram, and run Windows XP.

    32bit operating systems can only have 4GB of ram total (video and system). It addresses video ram first. The remaining addresses go to system ram, and if you have more system ram than can be addressed, the rest is just ignored.

    Your system won't benefit from windows 7, and will likely suffer because of the higher demands of the operating system when compared to XP.
  7. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    absolutely very much thanks... by the way... i think i posted it in the wrong section
  8. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    And is why I prefer Tiny 7. :)

    The full version of 7 is a crap-fest of nothing and is a total waste of money as is Windows Vista.

    But I have a lower-grade system and Tiny 7 runs perfect on my computer. Minimum ram is 256 MBs.

    But if you are wanting to get the full version, then I suggest not getting it as Tirrith has said.
  9. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Probably, one of the mods for this section will probably move it over the the Computer/Modding section. (I can only lock/sticky topics here, and can't do anything else).
  10. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    hey my tread still in gaming lounge and the gorst is that i still have some doubts i need more opinions
  11. yuumura

    yuumura Member

    win 7 4 me!
    + good software compatibility
    + locale system (languages)
    + good graphics
    - bad hardware compatibility
    - can't play some games ex. GTA IV

    my PC =
    i5 570
    Corsair 2x2gig ddr3 ram
    Corsair 550VX PSU

    and have no probs
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I've found the hardware compatibility to be excellent, but the software compatibility could be better. For example, oblivion crashes frequently, while fallout3, which is exactly the same game engine, runs fine for most part.
  13. yuumura

    yuumura Member

    when i mean "harware" (printers, etc.)
    i'm from asia ^^ = cheap things go first!
    i've try different games so far and have no probs at all
    only can't install some games
  14. Snagg57`

    Snagg57` Active Member

    Whaa...? 1-2GB video card? Why so much frame buffer, i'm sure you won't need it unless you're using Eye-candy (AA/AF)

    But 4 GB RAM is a Necessity these days.
  15. bittamer

    bittamer Member

    Windows 7 is totally worth it. Much lighter and quicker than Vista.
    You get all the great looks but with the stability of XP. Definitely recommended.
  16. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    Vista was one of the lowest points of microsoft. Windows 7 made up for this ;)
  17. Buppazugan

    Buppazugan Well-Known Member

    I would definantly go for Windows 7, i noticed a vast improvement over both XP and Vista
  18. Chaellexe

    Chaellexe Active Member

    Go for Win 7 better than Vista, you should test it once to see if its something for you

    it works fine for mine

    OS: Win 7 Ultimate
    CPU: Pentium 4 @ 3.15 GHz (5% boost)
    Ram:2,25 GB
    HDD: 152 GB
    AGP:Readon x1600 series (766 video ram,vertex/ pixel shader 3.0 )
    monitor: LG Flateron M197WDP

    i was so disappointed when i deleted my win xp for vista
    but nothing would have been worse than vista2.
    MS was planning to update Vista but didn't do it due bad costumer rate
  19. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    does windows 7 tiny have directx 11?
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Actually win vista wasn't meant to be a standalone OS. it was a rush job because XP was ancient and windows 7 was taking so long, much like windows ME was a rush job between 98SE and 2000/XP. Also like windows ME, they buggered it up big time.