i installed windows 98 se on virtual box but the screen is stuck ant 600x800 with 12-bit colers how do i fix this?
Try pressing Host+F. Sometimes the display adapter for VirtualBox (that's what I use) will control the size by the actual window size rather than by the in-OS slider display option. Mess with changing the actual size of the window outside of win98 itself.
i tryed that but its still in 600x800 note i installed 98 in non full screen mode could that be the problem?
ugh i give up, i tryed every thing h+alphabet, tryed different garphic drivers, ect, so im going to try windows me now and if that dont work il just wait til i get ram and run xp on vbox ok i could not find a good winme iso so im moving on to 2000 but when i go to install it says "pleas insert windows 2000 pro cd in a drive" but i dont have the a drive mounted, so what is it asking for? never mind
ubuntu vm ok heres the problem i cant tern on ubuntu (v8.04) visual effects in virtual box 2.0.2 when ever i try it says "Desktop effects could not be enabled" is there any way i can fix this or do i have to live with it?
virtual box is a program that allows you to run multiple different OSes on a singal machine at the same time, by creating 'virtual' computers with their own ram (a portion of the host PC ram) and hard disk (a file on the host PC hard disk) in a completely isolated environment.
Ah.. Okay.. should give that a try, I want to try linux, see how it works. Then I could just use my Windows Host PC for gaming etc.