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will nintendo bring the entire pokemon universe in 1 game?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by xkoolguy90x, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. xkoolguy90x

    xkoolguy90x Well-Known Member

    ive been wondering, will there ever be a pokemon game where the pokemon from the first game all the way to the latest 1 (that includes heartgold, soulsilver, and crystalbody even though they arnt really out yet). itll be interesting to see how that will go. most pokemon games arnt that high of a mb file. i know kingdom hearts 358/2 is i think like 256 mb. thats not a little amount lol.

    just wondering if it would be intersting or not. i would call it pokemon. no colour or mineral or anything added on. just simply pokemon. and none of that 2v2 bullshit. regular 1v1 is good as is
  2. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    It would be great and interesting, bot no, it will never happen.
  3. xkoolguy90x

    xkoolguy90x Well-Known Member

    true true. the file size of just the pokemon will be high and fitting a bunch of regions will be another task. still im sure they can just shorten the amount of mb used or something. technology these days is good enough. or maybe in the near future there will be a 5th ds type handheld which can hold a few gigs of memory for whatever game. if only that will happen lol. and with the economy these days, itll cost you a few shiny pennies too lol.

    still, it would be fun to see all the pokemon (even ones like mew, celibi, manaphy, and the others that are hidden), all the different teams (aqua, magma, rocket etc), all regions with all the badges, and the list can go on. hell of a game that would be lol
  4. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Doesn't it already happen?
    I mean all of the pokemon characters have been carried over to the latest title?the Platinum version...
  5. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    be even better if it followed a proper storyline in which other regions change according to your choices during progression of the game, but that would be kinda hard
  6. forte_amirul

    forte_amirul Well-Known Member

    Probably no.But it will be awesome.
  7. holoflame

    holoflame Well-Known Member

    Yeah, how is your bagde case are gonna look with all the badges from each region?
  8. marzz92

    marzz92 Well-Known Member

    Nah, it won't happen. If you are going to have all the regions, what levels will the gym leader of the third or fourth gym leaders be? 100? That is the max already man, and you would have a team of 100s?
  9. Qizm

    Qizm Active Member

    Nope, will never happen. they would rather just keep remaking them, and give us a new one from time to time (say... every 4 years)
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I would suggest either resetting your pokemon to level 5 in a new region or completely not let you use those ones in that region, forcing you to start over, but when you complete that region, you can "import" them to that region. I'm sure they could fit it on the 256 MB cart, since most of the data is repeated, like the pokemon database, and mechanics, basically it's just adding in maps and scripts.
  11. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Or do like Disgagea, put the level at 999? was it 999?
    but yeah put a high level
    and for the badges, no more of them, all you have to do is beat the big boss of a region( Cynthia, Lance, etc...)
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Disgaea has a level cap of 9999.
    And anything over 1000 is overkill.
  13. thekashmiriking

    thekashmiriking Well-Known Member

    i fink thy should release a mmorpg where u can be online with everyone else and catch pokemon in the wild at the same time and battle when ever u wanted............that would be AWESOME...! :eek: ;D

  14. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    With the DSi, such a thing is possible if they go for DLC in Heart Gold and Soul Silver. 500 points per extra map would be pretty good, if it worked thusly:

    Level Limit is no longer 100, but 200, and the order goes like this...

    Johto Gym Leader's Levels - 12 to 45
    Johto Elite Four Levels - 45 to 55
    Kanto Gym Leader's Levels - 32 to 65
    Kanto Elite Four Levels - 65 to 75
    Hoenn Gym Leader's Levels - 52 to 85
    Hoenn Elite Four Levels - 85 to 95
    Sinnoh Gym Leader's Levels - 72 to 105
    Sinnoh Elite Four Levels - 105 to 115
    Rival's Final Levels - 160 to 180
    Giovanni's Final Levels - 150 - 170
    Champion Trainer Ash Levels - 170 to 190

    I think I'd like that. Especially since it would require a full-on Team Rocket plot spanning all four regions, with in Rocket Grunts having Pokémon as low as Level 9 and as high as 110.
  15. thekashmiriking

    thekashmiriking Well-Known Member

    srry to burst ur bubble....BUT that will neva happen! It's too messy and too much...no order and contigency...sry mate.
    I reckon.........there will neva be ONE WHOLE POKEMON TITLE because.................they wanna make as much money as they can...! Simple As !! Thts y thyre re-releasin old titles...not because they want us to fill our pokedex's. If they really wanted to they coulda had the Kanto/Johto/ etc region pokemon on the new titles and the legenadaries at events.
  16. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Wintrale your idea sounds a little absurd, cause the level of the pokemons go down
    and by the way I play(overpowering the other pokemons by 10 levels), it would be too simple to beat the gym leaders
  17. Ag396

    Ag396 Active Member

    As much of a good idea that is i doubt. Me and my freinds always wanted that but nintendo like naruto_sennin said hey dont want to fill your pokedex is all for the money and wintrale the idea is a possibility but if they made the max level 200 they would have had to do that from the start since the stats of pokemn would be over 1000 and all the trainers that trained there pokemon to level 100 wold have to tain 100 lvls. more sorry. (no offense to anyone!)
  18. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    If they made it for the wii, maybe. the ds, probably not but it would be awesome. & what is crystalbody?
  19. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Well...they just have to make a the level up to 400 if they make it then.
  20. jadster 1996

    jadster 1996 Well-Known Member

    Though the idea sounds awesome but if nintendo do it then they would loose some money if you think about it because then if a person is new to pokemon he would just have to get that game instead of getting all other games....even though it is possible to execute...
    Or they can just make it ina way where you have to store your pokemon...