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Wild Arms 2 Battle Scene problems.

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Griefer, Apr 4, 2009.

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  1. Griefer

    Griefer Member

    My game runs fine with the exception of 2 things, black holes in the out of battle scenes and when i get into combat my animation slows down like 50%, it still responds quickly when i input what cmmands i want to make in battle, but everything is moving alot slower in combat. any suggestions? ???
  2. Griefer

    Griefer Member

    Also, i forgot to mention for those of you who havent played or cant remember the out of battle play is 2d with a 3d backround and the battle scenes are all 3d
  3. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    What are you using to play? Modchipped Playstation or an Emulator?

    If an emulator, what version, and what plugins are you using, as well as their version and settings.
  4. Griefer

    Griefer Member

    I'm using the epsxe emulator, cdrpeops.dll gpupeteopengl2, spupeopsDsound, and a file called gpu.dat. my buddy help me set this up im really not too computer savy.
    I havent messed with any config settings....i dont wanna screw anything up.
  5. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    What version of ePSXe are you using? 1.5.2, 1.6.0, or 1.7.0? Click on the Help menu, and click "About" and it will tell you the version.

    Then click on Config -> Video, then click the configure button.

    For slowdowns, adjust these settings to lower resolutions to try and help. Like your screen resolution, turn it down to 800x600, or even 640x480.

    The black holes may be unfixable. Are they like textures missing in the background? It happens on some games because of the imperfect nature of emulation.

    You may even try pete's Dx6 D3D drivers. They are very similar in the way they are setup to the OpenGL drivers, but use DirectX instead of OpenGL.
  6. Griefer

    Griefer Member

    Ah i just downloaded the plugin pack and fixed my slowdown problem. im using 1.7, would a diffrent version be better for this game? the black holes kinda screw me up, i can fall into holes in this game x.x
  7. vhiznu

    vhiznu Well-Known Member

    hmm...check the special games fix option....on your video plugin settings...
    is there any fix for that game or not....if there is...use it....
    if not....just try exploring the plugin settings...or just try to use another one :)
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