Sign this petition to get Neverland, Taito, Natsume and Nintendo to bring back an awesome series, and on the Wii, no less!
Oh. My. God. IT'S COMING! Lufia II will be REMADE ON THE EM-EFFING DS! Our Prayers have been ANSWERED! I mean... sure, it's only DS, but... if it does good, perhaps Wii launch?
Turn-based battles >>>>>>>> "action" RPG battles Lufia II's battle system was just fine, I don't see why they're risking $#^@ing it all to hell. -___-;; Go Chrono Trigger style imo.
Yeah, this is scaring me a bit. I absolutely loved the SNES Lufia games for the puzzles and stuff so hopefully this one won't be like the handheld games that came before it.
Never played the handheld versions and from the looks of things it was a good thing that I hadn't, but seems like I played one of them on SNES but cannot recall if it was the first or second it fell to the wayside for some reason or another guess I should go back and try it out again...if i still have it that is.
Erm sort of. Zelda isnt an rpg... I'm hoping that they dont really fuck this up. Hopefully it will have a battle system like the original star ocean. *crosses fingers* they really shoud've kept the original battle system, however...
I hope this time the Capsule Monsters will not abandon you -_-" Its funny they always run away when you need them
Well one down, now if only the next Breath of Fire would get made, and Mother 3 ported, and this game to be good...