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Wii Vitality Sensor

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by zangief, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    Nintendo claims that the Vitality Sensor will change the gaming world yet again, and while most people think it's bullcrap, i think they are onto something.

    Now the sensor itself wouldn't do wonders, but imagine the possibilities of it being implemented in a game: the most common i can think of is a possible Ace Attorney game for the Wii with the sensor acting as a lie detector of sorts.

    They can also use it in a stealth game. If you're tense, your moves might be sluggish thus being detected by enemies.

    And well (i need to say this) Wii Fit will have some use to it, i'm sure.

  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    does it call an ambulance if you give yourself a heart attack while playing wii fit?

    if it does I SO have copyright on that idea. I wrote a program to do that years ago.
  3. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    The best use I can think of is for Eternal Darkness Wii. The Insanity Meter being affected not only by the same on-screen events as the first game, but also the player's pulse. This would mean, among other things, that the game would showcase increasingly bizarre and screwed up stuff the faster your pulse is racing.

    Another possibility is use within a Silent Hill game - the faster your pulse, the thicker the fog and more numerous the enemy. Or maybe in a Resident Evil game with similar zombies to those found in Left4Dead... The faster your pulse, the heavier your footsteps (obviously alerting your enemies to your prescence) and the worse your accuracy (would suck if your "nerves" were shot to the point where you couldn't shoot straight, no?).
  4. Light_Of_Darkness

    Light_Of_Darkness Well-Known Member

    honestly, i didnt think of the wii vitality sensor as anything more then a health thing but now that u guys mention it....
    it can be used as a survival horror game adjuster, or the faster ur pulse the harder, i dont know, tetris gets
    my idea: make an extension for the vitality sensor so that it can detect brainwaves and use it to play a game where u can control all the objects with ur brain then use it to chuck stuff at people >:D

    EDIT:i noticed one problem......the thing is connected to the wiimote thru the nunchuk insert thingy and (unlike the WMP) doesnt think forward (obviously cobbled together in a few hours) by adding a nunchuk port.wait wouldnt that be awesome? wiimote+vitality sensor+WMP(wiiMotionPlus)+nunchuk. :D