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Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Alex_t15, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. Alex_t15

    Alex_t15 Member

    Heya, this is a topic board for wii sports resort , where you do the helping and where you recieve the help..... ill start us all off by asking a few questions;
    How do i beat the champion?
    How can i use a shoe?
    What is the best way to spin the ball?

    ***SWORD FIGHTING***(useless questions and boasts)
    How many people have you knocked off a cliff?
    How many skill points are you at on duel?

    ***If you are a pro on duel, tell us your hints and tips!***

    So there you have it, just remember, DONT BE LAZY, ASK SOME QUESTIONS AND SAY SOME ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    getting pro on duel isn't hard =/
    I don't knock people off cliffs, I knock them off the arena.
  3. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    I LOVE Wii Sports Resort :p
    Pity I can't play it for a few weeks while my wrist heals...

    2500 On Swordfighting, Duel and Showdown, havent been too bothered with speed slice... only on 900 or so
    All badges on archery, score is about 500 though cos I lost so many points shooting at fruit :p
    um... lots of random badges and Pros on other games :p

    Umm... tips...
    Duel: Not many "tips" per-se here, just try not to get hit and try to hit them...

    Showdown: You know how it says in the ingame tips NOT to swing madly? forget it, swing madly! (And for the love of god leave your finger ready on the block button, it is INVALUABLE!)
    Another good one is when your VSing a "defensive" enemy, use that time to take out the enemies around it by using the sideways slices through them.

    Archery: For the secret targets be sure to aim WELL ABOVE them, some of the targets you have to aim up till said target is actually offscreen.

    Bowling: Spin is key, get good at spin and a perfect game becomes possible, master spin and your invincible.
  4. Alex_t15

    Alex_t15 Member

    mikiie, i meant showdown, knocking the people off the cliffs is quite funny!
    Post Merge: [time]1251475811[/time]
    i've got all badges on ping pong, today i completed the set, with the getting 20-20 score and making it a tie, im a bit dissapointed that you dont get anything special:( and it took my skill points down 500 just so it would be easire to draw with the people oh wells. Have you met any famous people in ping pong? you'll need acsess to the mii contest chanell to meet 'em, i've played M.J. and won !!!
  5. Alex_t15

    Alex_t15 Member


    PRACTICE YOUR SECRET STRIKE!!! On 100-pin bowling, aim all the way to the right or left and don't spin the ball. You should roll your ball all the way up the gutter-gaurds. You have to keep the ball straight or it'll just roll of the gutter-gaurds. If it rolls all the way down into the darkness, you will hear a faint click (the switch triggers) , and then all is quiet. UNTIL a huge stomp makes all the 100-Pins fall over !!! You get a badge, and a nifty way of getting a strike! Practice more 'till you get it all the time, it's a great way of showing off at parties !!!!! XD :D