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wii owners, your thoughts of it so far and the future???

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by ultra, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest


    the above is about sega's critique about the wii's possible future. give your thoughts and opinions.

    also, wii owners, how are your expectations before and after the purchase of a wii console? do you like it? did it exceeded your expectations? etc.....?
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    So far I'm very happy with my Wii. I can't really say if developers will stay being creative but so far we've gone 20 years increasing in creativity, a game doesn't have to be revolutionary, just see how half life 2 was celebrated, what new did it have? The gravity gun...

    If the demand is that games constantly revolutionize the industry as much as the Wii did then it'll be dead soon, but the same can be said for PS3 and Xbox too. What Sega is saying is that due to the better graphics the consoles will be better equipped for the future. Honestly this is just nutty, I believe that we've seen time and time again that graphics alone isn't enough, sure, they'll have games that are fun, it's not like the classic way of gaming is dead, far from.

    What secures the Wii's future is it's innovative way of gaming, it has something the others doesn't, granted it will lack in Graphics in a couple of years. But do we really need more than the current level? I'm not saying go back to SNES graphics, but I'm pretty happy with the current state.

    Currently I'm playing Paper Mario for the Wii, it's mostly 2D but gives you the option of switching to 3D (actually this makes for some quite interesting gameplay). My point is, though, that however simple the graphics may be the gameplay makes it highly addicting and something that I rank as one of the best Wii games.

    One pitfall I see for Wii games is definitely the controls, when I first tried Splinter Cell: Double Agent I was very frustrated at the controls, they were unresponsive at times, hard to accomplish certain tasks and such. Luckily this game turned out be quite nice once I had gotten used to the controls. (and changed the Wiimote batteries. :p)

    However, the single biggest pitfall is if a game lacks depth, I tried the game Wing Island and it seemed fun at first, you control an aircraft and have to complete certain tasks. I was seriously disappointed though, the controls are seriously bad, your grip on the Wiimote is annoying because you have to press the arrow up to gain extra speed while using A to change formation. The worst thing so was that the mission was very shallow, they weren't very interesting or even difficult, the upgrading of the plane seemed to have no effect at all. Overall a very lacking experience.

    I suppose the fate of the Wii depends on the developers, Nintendo have done their job and provided the innovative platform, now it's in the hands of the developers, just like the other consoles. Developers for the Wii just have the advantage of the motion censoring.
  3. ultra

    ultra Guest

    ubi has admitted that they have rushed out some games for the wii to gain profits. because of that it hurts the company [ubi and possibly nintendo], but there are games for the wii that shows how great the controller can be, scarface and god father and soon resident evil 4 wii edition. that may explain why the splinter cell game might be a bit clunky and such.
  4. kenrich7

    kenrich7 Member

    My biggest gripes with the Wii so far...

    1) Rushed games. This is possibly my biggest annoyance with the Wii so far, and developers are not making things any easier. It is not the controls either, because the Wii also has standard controllers like the ones used for the Wii shop games... one could easily just make RPGs and simpler games using this controller instead of relying only on the Wiimote.

    2) Too many ports of games into the Wii format. I am kinda starting to see developers view the Wii system more of a secondary machine rather than the market leader that it will become.

    3) Unresponsive controls. The controllers could use a bit of work in responsiveness, or perhaps this is more of an issue with the development of the games. I found Warioware to be very responsive and fun, but found Rampage to be clunky with the controls.

    4) !#%@$ batteries. I really wish Nintendo made a cradle thing and rechargeable batteries for the Wiimotes from the start... well I guess you can't have everything ;D I think I've gone through a whole CostCo box of batteries since I started playing the Wii.

    I think the Wii has the most to gain out of the 3 systems; good graphics is nice but if the gameplay sucks, then no one will play the system very long. Just look at fighting games as an example - a lot of people still enjoy KOF and SF more than Tekken or other 3D fighting games.

    Another thing that the Wii has an advantage -- a modular system. People have a natural tendency to accessorize their purchases even though they might not need it at the moment... and the sleek look of Nintendo's accessories don't hurt either.

    Sega has always had a beef with Nintendo, I get the feeling from the article that the Steinberg guy is just doing random bashing of the system. In addition, the idea of a system going for longevity is not a very good idea. Console systems are not known for longevity because the pace of development in electronics is so fast that a system is already outdated usually 2 or 3 years after it comes out. Thats why there are re-hashes of the system (DS + DS Lite, PS + PSone + PS slim, etc) if it appears to have staying power, so that the console maker can milk out more money for obsessed gamers.

    The final advantage Wii has over all the other systems... price. There was an article about price comparison floating around the Internet (i think it was on digg.com) that compared the systems plus what accessories and games a gamer could buy if he/she had a set budget of $1000 or something along those lines (it was probably less than $1000).
  5. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    The Wii is somewhat failing in my opinion. It's not as if "there's an amazing section of highly original games". Wario Ware, Super Paper Mario, and Zelda TP are nothing but sequels. The graphic specs look very nice. But no one takes advantage of them! The controller isn't "perfect", but it isn't bad. A lot of games just badly program the "Wiimote".

    More and more people are getting tired of they're Wii's. If they don't shape up they're main strong point. Games. Then I think it will die out fairly soon.

    Older games (VC) are fun to play about thrice, and pay about once. Charging for games created 10 years ago is outrageous. They already gained "profit" along time ago! STOP MILKING THEM, AND LET THEM REST IN PEACE!

    All and all. I'll probably be Nintendo's bitch, and buy they're console. Microsoft is evil, and Sony is just expensive.
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    The thing is the games don't have to be amazing, they just have to be fun. From what I've tried so far Mario Charged Strikers, Splinter Cell and Mercury Meltdown are all fun so far. Sure, some of them aren't exclusive, but IMO Mercury Meltdown works far better on the Wii than on a PSP.

    Splinter Cell is a slight let down due to not taking fully advantage of the controller but it's still fun, that's all I really want, to be able to still have fun in many years, I don't see how it can fail at that.
  7. kenrich7

    kenrich7 Member

    Well that would be easy actually, just make the controls clunky enough that people will get frustrated and hesitate to buy more Wii games... and the more times this happens, the more hesitant a person will be when buying Wii games :(
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    That's nothing to do with Nintendo, that's down to the game developers.
  9. ultra

    ultra Guest

    loony is right, it all depends on the developers. how come there are games for classic game controllers [ps2, xbox,... controllers] yet the game still suck and we had these type of controllers for more then a decade. how would you explain that??

    there's also the point that just like creating games for xbox 360 and the ps3, that at first development maybe a bit hard as they are still trying new techniques here and there, but eventually will have a better understanding of what works and how to fully use what is best.

    also, currently, the wii is more of a rehash of the ps2 and some xbox1 games. it's probably to gain quick cash. you know that the wii has something special in it when you see people play games using the controller. check out the wii video review [ http://www.3dgameman.com/content/view/6490/35/ ] and you'll notice something when he plays the wii sports game.
  10. Drake801

    Drake801 Active Member

    I fully believe that given some time the games for the Wii will kickass and some will become ones you'll want to play a few years later still (once a year i still download and play through chrono trigger). I also hope for less ports and more Wii exclusives so they'll get the development it needs to make good use of the controller.
  11. ultra

    ultra Guest

    is anyone going to try out the resident evil 4 wii edition to feel the difference in game play from the gamecube to the ps2 to the pc?

    many critics who have played the wii version say that the game play is better. see if it's true.
  12. RustyScrew

    RustyScrew New Member

    I have a Wii, and I'm very impressed with it so far, despite the lack of games that would be fun for me. (shooters)

    I don't think that it will die out soon, but if the drought of games continues, were screwed.
  13. Patton

    Patton Guest

    Sorry to pitch in to this thread, but I hope my opinion boosts this thread with intent. ;D

    F*CK THE Wii
    F*CK THE Wii
    F*CK THE Wii

    Thank you,
    Go Xbox 360, Microsoft.

    That is all-

    That is all the useful information that you guys need.
  14. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That's cause you're a sad sad Microsoft fan boy. :)

    Some argumentation wouldn't have hurt though.
  15. Patton

    Patton Guest

    You hit it right on the head seph ;D
    Sad microsoft fan boy it is
  16. 3dmaxter

    3dmaxter New Member

    It would be nice if Nintendo boost their graphics too?

    Wii + PS3 Graphics = immortal

    but i just happen to buy it anyway and still playing till now
  17. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    If they were to have increased the graphics they'd have had to increase the price too, what initially attracted me to the Wii (besides the controls and Zelda) was the low price tag. Being a student and also having to pay for RomUlation I don't have a lot of monthly funds for leisure. :)

    But then again, my PC is capable of playing Oblivion and Half Life 2 but I still prefer Urban Terror, a 6 years old game. (granted it's constantly updated, but still)
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Nintendo generally target the younger audiences with their games, and that particular target market tends not to be fussy about realism/graphical quality; they're more interested in fun and stimulating gameplay.
  19. G.C

    G.C Well-Known Member

    Noo, PS3 FTW, Xbox Noobs Say Xbox Is Better But They Just Jelous Of Upper Class PS3 Owners Lol Joke... Kinda
  20. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Please don't resort to making fun of each other, thus far this thread have had a lot of good argumentation, no need to drag it into the dust.