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Wii Homebrew Channel / Loading Burnt Wii .iso's

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by joe_yoshi, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. joe_yoshi

    joe_yoshi Well-Known Member

    Hey all. I just recently installed the Homebrew Channel into my Wii in hope of playing a few Wii games i torrented.
    Luckily, I installed the channel alright, did all the other installations as the guide told me to and everything is working alright...
    That is until I put in the Burnt Game. The disc's preview screen appears like normally but when I start it I get an error code: ERROR #002. That's when I put in Wii Sports Resort.
    If I put in Pokemon Battle Revolution, all is good and starts up but when I click Colosseum I get an error message saying: The Game Disc could not be read. Please read the Wii operations manual for more information. :(
    Now if I put in a Burnt GameCube game... The preview screen does the Gamecube start-up thing but when I push play, the Wii completely turns off and randomly restarts.

    Sorry, that was alot of writing but if you can please help! :-[
  2. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    I can't be sure about the Gamecube games, but for wii games:
    - Make sure you're using system menu 4.1 with the trucha bugs enabled.
    - Update your cIOS to cios38_rev14
    - Use NeoGamma Loader (the latest build) to load the disc. Under the disc options, set 002 FIX to on for Wii Sports Resort at the very least.
  3. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    theres problems with the Wii sports resort game, you need to run an alternative .dol in the backup loader

    http://yafaze.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=1226 (that leads to some a tutorial and some files you need to download and put on a SD card...if a mod or admin doesn't want the link, please delete my post)

    that should take care of your problems for the Wii sports resort...take a look around at the rest of that site, it's dedicated to Wii hacking...it should help you solve your problems.

    however, i do recommend you find the UBER guide to softmodding a wii...it's the best around
  4. joe_yoshi

    joe_yoshi Well-Known Member

    Trucha bugs? Please explain... I''m a little new to the whole Wii hacking theory...
    ... I think i did install cios38_rev14. If not, how do I check?
    And I'm using the Load from Disc Channel thing. Is it a better choice to use the NeoGamma Loader?
  5. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    1. Trucha bug was bug in the older Wii's IOS files that allowed it to be hacked...the newer Wii's do not have the bug in there anymore, so if you are hacking a new wii, you need to add the bug into the IOS files.
    2.you need to use neogamma, you cannot load a backup game from the Disc Channel.

    You still need to follow the Wii Sports Resort tutorial link i gave you to get that to work (you also need to buy the Motion Sensor Plus)
  6. joe_yoshi

    joe_yoshi Well-Known Member

    Apparently it is possible to load from Disc Channel. I used this guide: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/777675
    And I bought 1 Motion Plus thing already.
  7. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    sorry, i meant for me i can't...i have a LU64

    before you installed cIOSCorp (which I'm assuming you did) did you check to make sure the serial number on your wii did not start with LU64 or LU65 (for the USA wii's at least, the serials are different for other regions)
  8. joe_yoshi

    joe_yoshi Well-Known Member

    Lolz. Mine is a LU53. =P
  9. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    haha okay, well then i suppose all the help i can give is follow that tutorial for Wii sports resort and just use the backup launcher?...oh and make sure you have the patched IOS36 installed.

    the disc channel and backup launcher really are no different
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    backup launcher allows you to force NTSC or PAL, allows the use of ocarina cheats, and almost never bugs out.

    disc launcher is useless.
  11. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    no, i meant...interface wise.

    Like you don't have to go through any more trouble using the back up launcher as you would with the disc channel. So if he's having trouble using the disc channel then he should just use the backup launcher.
  12. joe_yoshi

    joe_yoshi Well-Known Member

    Okay well I got Wii Sports Resort to start working but Pokemanz Battle Revolution still isnt working...
  13. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    did you try using the backup launcher? it could be a bad copy as well so try remaking it and set the write speed to 2x. Also if you downloaded the game, it could just be a bad rip as well. Make sure its exactly 4.38 gigs, if its not it's a bad rip unless the uploader said they scrubbed it.
  14. joe_yoshi

    joe_yoshi Well-Known Member

    Yep Back-up launcher and the Disc Channel cant go beyond me pressing the Colosseum button... Yep I wrote it at 2x burn speed. And its 4.37 gigs... I'm pretty sure the owner said he scrubbed it... I cant be for certain though...
  15. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    You've got a bad copy, or you're missing random IOSes. I went through and installed A BUNCH of those and I haven't had a problem with PBR.
  16. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    I would just try burning it again...

    If that doesn't work....like insane said, just install a bunch of IOS's or find another copy to download

    or just buy the game
  17. joe_yoshi

    joe_yoshi Well-Known Member

    Lol. Who buys anymore?! :p
    And install a bunch of IOS's...? I haven't thought about that... But what happens if I try to install an IOS that i have already installed?
  18. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    you can't remember which ones you installed??
  19. joe_yoshi

    joe_yoshi Well-Known Member

    Lol. Nope... I kinda fail... Alot. Is there any way I can check?
    Also, I think I may have found a way around this. I found a USB loader which is working alright. I might just use that... though being able to load a disc would be nice too...