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Wifi help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Harubi, Mar 16, 2010.

  1. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member


    alright i'm going to go on my knees for help, because i'm at a complete loss.
    I've been trying for a good year now to get Wifi to work on my DS but to no avail.
    Today i got http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150419908170&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT in from ebay.
    54Mbps USB WiFi Link Wireless Lan For Nintendo DS Lite
    I've been told by a member here that this was going to allow me to create an acces point and after reading the info on the ebay page... i decided to order it in hopes of finally fixing my wifi problem.

    Let me go back a little bit.
    The my interbox currently only supports WPA-WPA2 bla bla so from thats not an option that would work.

    This 54Mbps USB WiFi Link Wireless Lan For Nintendo DS Lite is supposedly able to create an acces point on my computer, but i can't get it to work.

    The problem that occured to me is when we finally got an acces point up, it required a WEP key... and since we're using our own internet we (me and dad) figured that it would require the same WEP key, but it didn't work.
    So i HOPE that this means that the new acces point itself requires a seperate key and that the only thing i need to do is find what the key is, in order to get in.

    What i dont hope is that since i'm using an internet box that only supports WPA/WPA2, i wouldn't be able to use this stick, because it requires an internet box that supports connections to NDS, which IMO would be stupid because if that were the case, i would've never bought it.
    I personally wouldn't get a stick like this if my internet box supported NDS, obviously.

    I was hoping that someone, that has experience with working with something like this, would be so kind as to tell me step by step, on what i should do to make this work, because i really really want this to finally work.
    Wifi played a big part in why i wanted to get a Nintendo DS.
  2. zephyrum

    zephyrum Member

    I'm willing to bet the adapter is set to WPA. I looked at the auction and couldn't tell what company made this device, which is important since all of these things have their own software.

    What you need to make sure you do is install the software. Then, check the documentation and check out how to set the WEP key.

    If you can post the company name I can check out their site to see if there are instructions.
  3. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    Well i do know that the software i got with it is from SAGEM, so perhaps that can help you?
  4. zephyrum

    zephyrum Member

    Okay I've looked at their manual and from what I can tell you have to install the software BEFORE you plug the thing in for some reason. Then, plug it in and wait for it to be recognized.

    After it appears to be functioning, open the "WLAN Utility" which should show in your systray. In the "Config" part there will be a basic tab, the top says "Network Type". This should be set to Ad Hoc. Then you can go to the encryption tab and set Network Authentication to "Open" and Data encryption to "WEP". Then just set the WEP key to whatever you want. I use my home phone number since it's easy to remember.
    Post Merge: [time]1268762070[/time]
    Let me know how it goes.
  5. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    The CD comes with three folders;

    Contains Wi-Fi 11g Cardbus Adapter.msi

    both XG703A + XG760N folders have a SETUP

    Which ones should i install?
    Oh and it shouldn't matter that the install files are for XP right, even though i use 7.
  6. zephyrum

    zephyrum Member

    I do believe their drivers should work for Windows 7, hopefully. I looked at their support site and couldn't find any Win 7 drivers. Then again, I can't read any Scandinavian languages so I could be wrong.

    Try the msi installer first. If that works, cool. If not, uninstall it and try to find the model number on the device and use the setup from the correct folder.
  7. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    Wow the drivers they gave me are really not helping..

    When i try to install the msi file, it says SAGEM Wi-Fi 11g Cardbus adapter.msi not found.
    The file is there but its just called Wi-Fi 11g Cardbus adapter.msi so thats why its not letting me install..

    Geez...how troublesome.

    What should i do now? Is that file downloadable somewhere?

    EDIT: Fixed it... copied folder to my HD, went into setup.cfg and changed PackageName= SAGEM Wi-Fi 11g Cardbus adapter.msi inot PackageName=Wi-Fi 11g Cardbus adapter.msi

    installing now
  8. billo09

    billo09 Active Member

    dude i brought 1 of ebay aswell and when i installed mine it was missing files and now when i set it up my ds trys to connect the range is full but doesnt connect all the usb's FAIL !!
  9. zephyrum

    zephyrum Member

    Yeah. Here's the 703:

    And this is for the 760:

    Make sure you get the correct one.
  10. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    Was it the same thing, setup file was incorrect or was it missing more files?
    Thanks! installing, let me get back to you asap.

    Well i cant seem to get into properties..

    the only thing that shows up for me when i right click the icon is exit.
  11. billo09

    billo09 Active Member

    yea it was ive posted the error message here have a look http://img198.imageshack.us/i/errordo.jpg/
  12. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    Try to do what i did in my previous post look for a .cfg file and try to see if there is an msi file thats named simmliar to that.

    Might be a long shot...
  13. billo09

    billo09 Active Member

    yea ill try dude i got myn from hong kong but when i set it up my ds starts to connect then all of a suddon the range drops and it says cant connect :/
  14. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    Well zephyrum i cant seem to get into properties..

    the only thing that shows up for me when i right click the icon is exit.
  15. billo09

    billo09 Active Member

    like i said harubi ive left mine in the corner now it just wont work its so stupid ... :mad:
  16. zephyrum

    zephyrum Member

    Nothing in the all programs part of the start menu?
  17. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    Yeah i can understand your frustration, though i've been trying for so long to get it to work and by damned it will work.
    Because i'm tired of things not working around here, haha... frustration strikes.

    And Zeph... it opens, its running but i can't seem to get into the properties.. the icon just sits there in the corner right and when i try to double or right click it.. nothing happens... well except for the fact that when i right click it, the only option i see is exit.
  18. zephyrum

    zephyrum Member

    Okay. Another look at the manual says to launch the WLAN Utility management software. Did that install?

    You downloaded the software + driver package, right? Not just the drivers. If so, I'd redownload.
  19. billo09

    billo09 Active Member

    harubi i can bet when u manage to get it on when u try connecit it wont and u will be were iam.
  20. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    I downloaded the software + drivers or utility + drivers as the call it.