Nothing we can do about it, that's how web design with CSS works, everything is fluid but requires a minimum width, either live with it or get a larger monitor. Sorry.
Firefox 3.0.1 and 1024x768 Don't you usually make website for various resolutions? Moreover a user cannot be forced to watch your site in fullscreen, always. And, as far as I know you can use variable widths (%) in css. btw. I wouldn't say 728px is a minimum. lol 'get a larger monitor' ahaha . I'll try to stretch mine a bit.
Yes we make websites for various resolutions and browsers, but that doesn't mean we're going to support the lowest common denominator, we have to stop supporting older platforms at some point, just like we don't support IE 5.5 any longer, and IE 6 only marginally. Any monitor bought in the last 4 or 5 years will support larger resolutions than 1024x768, even my laptop is running 1400x1050.
But there are still people who are not willing or not able (my case) to change their resolution and if they see something ugly on a new site they surely would go somewhere else immediatly.
Yes well that's why a cost/benefit analysis is done, is it worth limiting the others or spending a lot of extra hours developing so that the few still stuck on old resolutions/browsers can have it pretty too? In our case, no it wasn't. It's not like the problems prevent you from using RomUlation, it just makes it look less pretty. Even if you use IE6 and run in 1024x768 everything should still work, if it doesn't then that's a bug, otherwise I really can't be concerned with it at this point. Sorry.