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-->. Wi-Fi games .<--

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by SimplePlan_123, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Hello everyone,

    I'm from the Netherlands and I'm getting Wi-Fi next friday!
    So i was wondering if you guys here know some good Wi-Fi games!

    I already know: Mario Kart, Metroid Prime Hunters

    But i hope you can help me to find good wi-fi games

    Already thank you!

    Greetz SimplePlan_123
    In Dutch: Groetjes Simple Plan_123
  2. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    Pokemon series, Advance Wars series and also the best wi-fi game for me "Call of Duty World At War" XD
  3. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Phantasy Star Zero.
  4. Call of Duty i also played, good game. Maybe Shiiro wants to play with me? :p
  5. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    :D Sure.. what's your friend code?
  6. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    What? no one wants to mention Animal Crossing Wild World.
  7. fantasy252

    fantasy252 Well-Known Member

    Or the Rune factory series.
  8. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

  9. _luigi_

    _luigi_ Well-Known Member

    are there cheaters in gta
  10. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Thereare cheaters in every single game.
  11. Yes, can someone tell me what do the mean with Wi-Fi on GTACW ( Chinatown Wars ), i don't get it,,

    --> Shiiro, i said: ;I'm getting Wi-FI next friday´ So i can tell you my friend code as soon as i have Wi-Fi i did like to play Call of Doty with you, i am going to own u!,, btw, where are u from? ;)
  12. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Call of duty for the DS?

    [me=Stanley Richards]runs away in fear[/me]
  13. teheezin

    teheezin Guest

    HAhaha.. I'm from Malaysia by the way, hmm.. as long as you're not using cheats or anything I'm fine if you own me =D it's just a game afterall ._.
  14. In offline I use sometimes cheats, but cheating online is just noobie, and i ain't a pussy :Walk through walls just says that people can't do without it and the means that there're noobies :p But maybe with Call of Duty 5 in the same team 2 vs 2, than we gonna pown :p

    But can someone tell me about Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars wi-fi? And whicch Advance Wars is the latest: Days of Ruin of Dark Conflict, they look the same!

    And are here some BOmberman 2-fans, I was last night by a friend with Wi-FI, but i tried 6 times and Wi-Fi didnt found anyone?

    ( sry for bad English, my teachers at school suck xd )