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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by zymophore, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. zymophore

    zymophore Well-Known Member


    The most unusual thing happened to me.......

    I was happily playing Miles Edgeworth ( Ace Attorney ) I got stuck somewhere so I took a rest...

    After that I tried to clean my Micro SD so I placed Two folders , one for my best games....

    My mistake.... My DS games got seperated from my save files without me noticing it....

    Then I played Ace Attorney... But I saw only a new game tab... so I rushed to my Laptop and looked at what happened..

    I noticed that my .sav files got seperated.... and I placed them on one folder.... but a window appeared saying something

    Replace this one with this?

    I didn't realized it was my Ace Save file so I click yes... then ... I'm playing it from the
    very beginning

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww,,...... I'm already at the end of Part 1 Turnabout Kidnap.....

    Now, I got bored and quit playing my DS and focusing more on my studies........... good but bad.........
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    You had it coming.
  3. zymophore

    zymophore Well-Known Member

  4. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    LoL, look in the Recycling Bin? Or not?
  5. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    use a undeleter :)

    I do :)
  6. zymophore

    zymophore Well-Known Member

    ....... I deleted it on my SD card so it will not be sent to my recycle bin......
  7. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    use a prgram that can undelete from microsd cards.

    I used one the other day,but it was from a torrent site :)
    (cant discuss warez though,soz)

    Try google
    "free microsd undeleters"

    I had files from 2 years ago on there,and it recovered them perfectly :)
  8. zymophore

    zymophore Well-Known Member

    ...can I use it even after I shut down everything?

    can you give me a link.....
  9. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member


    My pc is 4 years old,and i can recover pics etc from 4 years ago.

    You can also do it the the microsd undeleter.

    Heres my email adress

    [email protected]

    Mail me and ill send you everyting you need to get it all back,
    Can you use Torrents?
    (i cant discuss it here,coz of rules n stuff)
  10. zymophore

    zymophore Well-Known Member

    yes... maybe I can do it tomorrow
  11. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    that sucks
  12. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    If you didn't support the game developers that's what you get :p
  13. Mein

    Mein Well-Known Member

    Does that means you do help the developer?