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why! somone please help me to understand this!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Blaze_2_U, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. Blaze_2_U

    Blaze_2_U New Member

    ok i have been waiting for like forever to get the new game Dawn Of Heroes an it was suposed to be out 4/14/2010 but then it just was no place to be found why i just dont understand it at all
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    It was apparently re-scheduled.


    This is the US release though.
  3. fantasy252

    fantasy252 Well-Known Member

    yeah but release date doesn`t mean date it will be dumped here.Just means date its out for sale.We just gotta wait :D