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Why does NDS video keep jumping screens?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by aciddream, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. aciddream

    aciddream Member

    Got a R4 revolution chip. Used Batch DPG on recommended conversion settings to encode videos to play in moonshell (V1.71)
    All videos play but some repeatedly jump from upper screen to lower (touch screen). Sometimes it's every 5-7 seconds, sometimes it'll play for minutes. At times I'll go back and try a video again and it will play through fully on the top screen. I'm not touching the screen nor any buttons?
    Is this what the dgp player for moonshell does when it skips a frame or when video lags?
    I went on some other forums and verified the settings on the configuration file in moonshell (change about 3 settings to 0).

    Has anyone else had this problem???
  2. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    i never tried to put a movie on my ds
  3. aciddream

    aciddream Member

    I haven't put a full movie on it yet. I have heard of sites where you can supposedly download full movies in the .dpg format to play on your DS.
    I just converted a few music videos to show to a few people at the office. I also use download helper in Firefox to capture youtube vids (.flv) files and another converter to change those to .mpg files to be supported by batchDPG.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    converting from .flv will yeild terrible quality and major sound sync issues
  5. aciddream

    aciddream Member

    Yeah I noticed the sound acting weird a bit and the video looking blocky / grainy.
    The screen jumping still occurs on converted mpg and avi files.
    I was just wondering if this is what the player does when it skips frames or get out of sync? When it does jump screen though it doesn't miss a beat, just keeps on playing - if I hit the select button or tap the bottom screen it jumps back to the top.
  6. aciddream

    aciddream Member

    I'm starting to think this may be a moonshell issue. I was showing a punk vid to a co-worker today and of course it started jumping screens. I paused the video and it still jumps screens?
    So maybe it's not a frame rate or playing problem since this still occurs at random (and often) intervals even when playback is paused?
  7. aciddream

    aciddream Member


    RueGorE at gbatmw had an idea and it worked.

    Made a backup / copy of the micro SD card contents, reformatted the card, put contents back on card and it seems to have fixed the seizure inducing video mode!

    Kinda odd because I've only had the R4 and card for about 10 days now so I don't know how anything on the micro SD could have gone corrupt in that short of time. May have been a crappy format the 1st time. Either way if anyone else has a similar issue give it a try and let me know if it works.
  8. poiboy

    poiboy Well-Known Member

    this is tested and tried (if you are using 'batch dpg')..

    i also found that the video would sometime invert and/or go upside down when it was processing the video to .dpg (weird).

    i now use a dpgenc file (there's another post on romulation that will lead you to the free download..which is better than the batch dpg download)

  9. aciddream

    aciddream Member

    Well I thought the problem was gone but it reared it's ugly head again today.
    I was watching a movie I downloaded and about 10 minutes in the screen jumping returned.
  10. eh3

    eh3 Member

    Why don't you try a newer firmware?

    1.1 is available.

    I've never had any problems with videos on the R4. I use dpgenc, though. Not batchdpg...

    Good luck.
  11. aciddream

    aciddream Member

    Started with 1.11 on the R4 and 1.71 on Moonshell which are the newest revs to my knowledge.
    I've tried different converters and even movies downloaded from gbatmw and they all start to jump screens?
  12. rollakid

    rollakid Member

    no problem whatsoever for me... everything is smooth... i bring some of my favourite youtube video with me where ever i go...
  13. shenkeqin

    shenkeqin Member

    Could anyone post a link to the dpgenc thingy?