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Why do People with no Sense of Conscience even Exist in this World!?

Discussion in 'Rants' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I just had to post this rant because of a certain ass face from my past is being such a douchebag yet again :p

    And no, if guys like HyPnOs will post on here & ask if it's HaseoTOD, let me tell you now it isn't. I haven't even heard from him since our run ins with each other.

    No, this is a different person who I actually know of in real life, in fact we kinda grew up together actually. We know of each other since 2nd grade but the thing is, I never knew he was such a manipulative dick :p

    How can I describe our "relationship" with each other?.... Hmmmm.... kinda like Cartman with Kyle I guess.

    Unlike Cartman though, a lot of our friends never know of the horrors he'd done both on teh net & in real life.

    I'm not gonna drop names as IT IS a crime in itself, but I think two members of RomUlation's community might recall him & his antics back in 2007. And to think I was the one who even invited him on here as we were both interested in the emulation & fan translation community & I told him of RomUlation's vast retro titles.

    Now I'm not gonna delve into what happened here back then as it's supposed to be ancient history, however recent events have raised my need to recall it.

    But before that, let me tell you a brief background of myself that nobody really knows of.

    As I said in countless posts, me & a few of my classmates/friends (including that guy) were very much into videogames. And it was actually that guy who introduced the SNES Copier/loader to me. In the four years that spanned High School (1992~96) we were very much into SNES games & we played them using said Copier/Loader.

    But then, during 1996 & the infancy of the internet in my Country he & another former friend discovered the world of ROM Hacking & Fan Translation.

    Those two were actually very knowledgeable when it comes to computers as both of 'em had PCs since we were in fifth grade, whilst I only ever started using & owning one in early 2007! Yes I know that'd made you go "WTF!?" but it's the truth... well kinda. I did use the computers at school, at my Uni & in I-Cafes, but I only ever used Word, Power Point, Excel & browse the net on then Netscape navigator LOL!

    The first ever I used a PC on things like an emulator was when I went to either of them's homes & used their computers for school work & briefly playing with ROMs.

    When we were already in College (1996) those two learned of groups like ROM Hacking.net (RHDN) & seeing they had an incling of what to do, they pursued a brief & utter failure career at Fan Translation. Basically it was the two of them, communicating with several older Fan translators & collaborating with them doing mostly Hex Editting as a mode of translating ROMs. Guys like the elitists on RHDN, never really acknowldged them for being "low level" ROM Hackers & as they still do now, didn't even shared their knowledge of ASM Hacking to help my former friends out.

    I was "sucked" into their career when they found out that I took basic Japanese as one of my Language Subjects in College. They kept on insisting I translate "raw" Japanese text with Kanji & kana, even when I kept telling them that my knowldge was only that of a Japanese Kindergartener because I only ever learned of 60 or so kanji. So naturally when I give them a string of translation it was too mediocre to be of any use.

    Eventually, "our" group became the laughing stock of the Fan Translation community because all we ever made were inaccurate & lousy translations. Two of these can even be found here on RomUlation's SNES archives, go find them for yourself if you can.

    So anyway, me & the other guy who was not ass face quietly stepped down & accepted the humiliation we had brought upon ourselves. But ass face? No!

    He even made a webpage that used to be on Geocities.com about "our" contribution to the fan translation community, of which all he's spoken of are complete bull.

    And with the advent of Wikipedia, he found yet another medium to brag about bull plop & in his "profile" post on Wikipedia he even boasts of retiring in a field (Fan Translating) that he never even actually excelled in.

    If you think, that's the bulk of this rant... you're wrong! It's just the beginning.

    The reason he went anal on me here on RomUlation was because I cut ties with him & denounce our group, which was the same thing our other friend did in 2003 before I did in 2007 because I still thought the guy could still change his ways & not be a douche anymore.... boy was I wrong :p

    The reason why I finally cut ties with him was because he was doing very illegal & criminal things. No, it's not downloading ROMs :p

    This guy found ties to a group of hackers... well actually corrupt employees, who steal credit card information & they use the data to buy stuff off of the net, which is how he was able to buy his, GBA, Nintendo DS & his PSP ::) What really ticked me off was he even uses his friends' mailing address as drop off points to where his "packages" gets sent :p I myself was an unwary victim of his as well :p

    He & his "contacts" were the reason why my country became black listed on several online stores :p

    When better security measures were finally setup to prevent credit card fraud, the guy did stop, but that's not the end of it, oh no....

    For a brief time (2003~2005) he was actually connected on a dial up account which was an illegal connection. With his contacts to the worst ISP in this country, he was able to get "free" internet by stealing paying customers' internet time!

    He once called me a "ROMs beggar", a deregatory term I accept seeing as my only reason for "putting up" with him before was that I had no computer of my own & needed his to get ROMs for my SNES, or do research for my classes at Uni.

    When I finally got my own PC I in 2007, I started to distance myself from him, but my one mistake was that I was so stoked on RomUlation's library that I had to tell him of it.

    So anyway, after three years I was kinda agitated when one of our classmates in High School messaged me in Facebook. He said that ass face is at it again. He is now claiming that he is the owner of an anti Optical Piracy company that is based here in my country. I researched, err "lurked" around the net & in one Anti-Piracy cracking site/forum I found out that the people who are for cracking stuff were yet again mocking ass face's claims & in fact in a particular thread I found they are even pressuring him to cough up a copy of his so called "anti-Piracy system that he claims, will make any CD created (or burned) using his system will be guaranteed to be copy protected (that is you can never make an ISO of it) HOWEVER... he then adds unfortunately discs created with his system will not work on older Audio/video CD Players & DVD Players. To which the guys on that forum were merely laughing at his wild schemes.

    But why the heck is he into Anti Piracy you might ask? The answer? He wants to hog Optical Piracy for himself.

    See the guy never had fast internet (DSL) of his own, that is he never had it up until I was still in contact with him. As for now, I'm not sure.

    So what does that have to do with anti Piracy? Well the guy goes to i-Cafes & "Borrows" (steal) internet by maliciously installing & hiding torrent download clients like utorrent to download stuff like movies, anime, ROMs & ISOs for profit. Yep, you read that right :p he downloads movies & anime using other people's internet & he sells these in the optical Piracy Black Market. He wants an anti Piracy system so he can protect his wares from being copied via ISO/CSO format :p

    He called me once a leech & a moocher, now who IS the real moocher here eh?

    He eventually got banned from every i-Cafe he can get to & as a last resort, he started stealing internet from any IT based company he gets a job into. For example, when he got a job as a telemarketer, he'd download stuff on his terminal while he was supposed to be working :p This often was the reason why he'd get fired as well as doing a lousy job to begin with.

    There was also one time when he even stole stuff (3 250G Hard Disks) from a job he got at a prestigious school where he was hired as an IT expert... more like a ThIef to be honest.

    As of now, I've no idea how much of what he posts on Facebook, Friendster, Linkedin Twitter & Wikipedia is true &/or false, except that he's currently bragging that his daily regiment includes sleeping, playing FFXIII on his PS3, sleaping, eating, Work & FFXIII again before he sleeps to end his day.

    And to top it all off, his relatives follow, support & defend his way of life with his sister also committing credit card fraud by spending over her credit limit BEFORE she left the country to live somewhere else. Naturally the credit card company will have a difficult time tracking her down as even their parents are denying information of where she's at.

    So now after this very LONG post, I ask the question again...

    Why do People with no Sense of Conscience even Exist in this World!?

    And yes, I know & am prepared for when I might put myself in the hot seat again for this one :(
  2. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    Because they grew up like that.
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I dunno. :p

    They just like to blame people for their weaknesses.
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    That's just the way they are. If you're expecting a deeper answer or meaning, there is none, they just are.

    And of course, there's psychopaths.
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Yeah I guess so and...

    Is partially true, seeing as their parents are backing them up with their crimes signs of bad parenting at work.

    True, this guy doesn't even admit whenever he does something wrong :p
  6. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Humans are corrupted assholes, eh?
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Not everyone, they only account for 70% of the population, the rest are actually good folk.
  8. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    Fixed your post
  9. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Too broad a spectrum to ask a question like that.
    Why does something that someone with no credibility affect you like this?
    He's taking the low road, you just go high and walk your own path.
  10. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I know people like that, I used to be like that a long time ago.
    My problem was laziness. I wanted everything, I wanted it now, but didn't want to work for it.
    By what he puts on facebook - sleep, play ffxiii, eat, playffxiii..... I guess hes the same, he sounds like I used to.
    I stole, bullshitted etc and then one day I grew up.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I guess so.

    The whole "Whatever happened to XX after high school" scenario is at play here dedboy.

    Yes his internet credibility is on the negative, especially for us who do know him in a personal level, but most of those who know little of him in high school were going all "Wow! you did that!?" on his facebook account.

    As for taking the low road & high road.... well I'm kinda taking the lesser known path, the one taken by people who just live because we have to live. The high road's not my style anyway I'm kinda like the wall flower type, I'm there but only a few people ever notices :)

    Sadly he hasn't yet LOL!
  12. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Then you are comfortable with your path. That is more than he will ever be. Even true thieves have honor.


    Try it and see for yourself.
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Eh!? Is that a pun to refer to the fact that I am a member of a ROMs site?

    Nah, just kidding :)

    Thanks for your compliment.

    Hell no, my conscience would kill me first even before the law would.
  14. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    Couldn't you get into lots of trouble for not reporting a crime?
  15. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Judging from what I've read, they probably wouldn't do anything about it.
  16. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    you can actually be charged as an accessory to the crime. meaning you were in on it, even if you were just passing by.
  17. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    In answer to the thread title?

    It's because they never learned, or never gave a shit. Sounds like a guy with a sense of entitlement who started off like those kids who steal programs and pass them off as their own. YoshiFlip comes to mind, but I think we gave him enough shit about his early efforts that he's turning out decent.
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    More like his twisted views of "justification" is so out of whack that he actually thrives on being a jerk.

    Yes, exactly as you said.

    Ah Reider, I was actually expecting you to be one of the people who post on here as I'm pretty sure you might recall who he was ;)
  19. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    tl;dr. wankers will be wankers.
  20. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    It's these questions that keep me up at night. The only way I am even remotely satisfied with humanity is my faith that these people will get punished in five-fold for what they do.