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why ban smoking?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by thebiblenator, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. thebiblenator

    thebiblenator New Member

    why should people ban smoking? they know its bad for you but they still do it. please post now because i need this in two days.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    because its unpleasant and harmful to other people who are in the same place. (especially if its indoors).
  3. sniper5252

    sniper5252 Active Member

    Smoking is banned in public places because second hand smoke is still harmful to people surrounding the smoker and why should smokers be allowed to endanger other peoples health. Let them kill themselves I don't care as long as I don't have to breathe it.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    recent research suggests that even third hand smoke (i.e from the clothes of a passive smoker) is still harmful.
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Same reason you ban other drugs, smoking is addictive to yourself and harmful to others. Since it's addictive to you you can't be expected to be sane of mind when making decisions about smoking. (unless you're just starting, but then it's most likely from group pressure)

    If you're using it for a debate session then you'll most likely have to fight the "it's my body, I can do what I want with it" and the easiest way to fight it is by using the "it's not just harmful to yourself - it's harmful to everyone around you" angle.

    A slightly more interesting angle that's also a bit harder to argue is that smoking is addicting, and addicted people are not capable of making sane and rational decisions and as thus should not be allowed to make them.

    In the end the most effective way is probably to do a mix using the first argument as the basis and supplementing with the second one.
  6. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Because it's bad for YOUR health and the people around you. I don't know why they haven't banned smoking (nicotine) but are up in arms over marijuana. But that's another debate.
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Smoking is very bad for asthmatics, my friend had smoke breathed in his face and had to sit down with his inhaler for a while...
  8. sniper5252

    sniper5252 Active Member

    Plus you have the drag on the NHS (if you live in England) with all of the smoking related illnesses and diseases. Like lung cancer, heart disease and respiratory problems for instance.
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    And smoking can damage babies if a pregnant woman inhales the smoke

    Well not exactly a baby, it could be some crappy cells to a crappy fetus but it's not really a human.
    Crap ^_^
  10. ultra

    ultra Guest

    wait a minute, these things have been around for so long and the only time we see that it's a problem is during the present and contemperary time. if you look at history, smoking has been around and there isn't any evidence to say that there is such an outbreak as we currently see now. additionally, it also goes for marijuana, which the indians as well as other societies which have used them for religious, medicinal and your ususal gatherings.

    on the topic of banning, yes we should as we as a unified society have made a bad use of this substance. yes, unified because from most parts of the world, the concept of smoking typically results in "coolness".
  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    The problems are:
    -We over use things now
    -We don't know what crap is put into stuff anymore...
    -People haven't got much common sense...
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    those are all problems of an individual and society, not the drug. it's the similar arguement of guns, though guns are extremely dangerous as they can kill you and do other very harmful and severe injuries, it isn't the weapon that is dangerous but the user [person]. a knife is just as dangerous, you've seen those horro movies.

    an example of society,
    if you look at television, before ratings were implemented, one could have seen movies that ranged in violence and sex. but when television got rated, violence was removed from the shows and instead sex was implemented. this could possibly increase sexualality on people. btw, i'm referring television as in none cable television, that is television that is broadcast over the air using an antenna.

    additionally, if you look at a beer commercial, there is very little mention of being safe and more emphasis of pleasure.

    so again, we should ban smoking because of our abuse of the substance.
  13. KainOdius

    KainOdius Active Member

    I'm tired of people forcing the choice of whether or not I should be smoking cigarettes on me.

    Much like drinking alcohol it's my own damn harmful choice. Why keep reminding me it's bad for me, or try preventing my own personal choice?

    Don't like second hand smoke? Don't go to that bar. Don't like a smoker in public? Avoid them. It's a lot like pregnant women and small children with me. If I could I'd ban them from public places. :D Unfortunately that's not my choice to make.

    As for third hand smoke: doesn't exist. Just whiners. Abused? Yes, by the majority, but you guys are pinning some blame on people who don't like myself. Pregnant women harmed by second hand smoke? No shit. The thing is that they shouldn't be in the vicinity of said smokers, make an effort to stay away from them or at least have the common decency to stop lying and admit they smoke while pregnant.

    cjdogger, if your friend was an asthmatic, why was he dumb enough to let someone blow smoke in his face?

    When we look at all these points everyone here is being ignorant.

    Leave the smokers alone.
  14. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i don't know if indoors smoking is banned in other countries, as it got banned in nyc. but suppose it wasn't and we could smoke indoors.

    okay, now suppose i was eating at a restaurant that had an outdoor dinning area and i happen to be there when it's not busy. a person then comes in and takes a seat on the next table or so and decides to smoke. would you say that the person who got there first should leave because the smoker is there?

    additionally, if a mother is at home and smoking [btw, it could be a father as well], what exactly are the kids suppose to do, especially a toddler? i understand that the parent could leave the house and smoke outside, but do you believe they'd do it? the whole house is fumigated with smoke.

    at every corner there are smokers, so how exactly are you suppose to avoid it? you can't.
  15. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    smoking in public indoor areas here is banned too, doesnt worry me much since I like to smoke outside anyway (any one else see the irony of getting some fresh air while smoking...).

    Im with KainOdius, im a smoker (and a drinker), simple if you don't like me smoking then stay the fuck away from me, get the fuck over it, you dont like the rain so you walk undercover, same goes for smoking.

    It my choice whether I smoke or not, however I do have some respect for those that I know it will be most harmful, I never smoke around children or mothers and I dont sit at a bus stop and light up on the seat beside everyone else. Theres a big difference between a smoker and an arrogant fuckhead who doesnt care who hes standing next to.

    and yes there are smokers everywhere, but generall if you are anywhere near a road or a car your breathing in toxic shit anyway. More people die every year from second hand carbon monoxide from cars than they do from passive smoking.
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    <- Living proof that a pregnant woman smoking leads to babies with birth defects :'(
  17. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    I disagree with this. First of all, the ban is for public places, so smoking isn't banned, it's banned where it directly affects others. Secondly, if we were to ban everything addictive we would have to ban damn near everything because not all addictions are chemical.... our poor human bodies have been drained of all willpower and addiction can now apply to anything (2 months ago an Italian boy was diagnosed with Playstation addiction.)
  18. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Smoking indoors here is banned, I don't mind it, unless people are purposely blowing shit into your face or just smoking right out across the sidepath etc.
  19. chaoslordsokar

    chaoslordsokar Well-Known Member

    hmm... this might sound weird, but could someone point me to some scientific studies that implicitly states that if i were to smoke or breathe in second hand smoke i WILL contract a cancer or i WILL develop a lung disease or infection. please bear in mind my implicit statement, look the word up if you want too. i have a point to make here but i have to open your eyes first. no offence intended.
  20. thebiblenator

    thebiblenator New Member

    thanks all of you guys for your opinion. for this i got a perfect score in my debate class. especially you seph. they actually used the " its my body" thing and i owned them. thanks. thanks guys for all your help:)