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Why are all the books the same?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mastergods, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. mastergods

    mastergods Well-Known Member

    I love reading books, I go thourgh at least three a week.

    latey I have hit a bad patch of books. Every Fiction/fantasy book is the same. One/both are vampires and they love eacher other or something dumb. something is keeping them apart.

    has any one else noticed this? sick of it?

    How do you feel avout?

    I feel its these types of books that are ruining girls minds(twilight)
    common happanings.
    Girl has no friends.
    New guy/bad boy is the hottest thing ever
    Newguy/bad boy hits on said girl
    new guy/bad boy has a dark past but will give it all up for her.
    every one tells the girl they should not be together but "with love we can do it"
  2. ClydeOne

    ClydeOne Well-Known Member

    Probably you need to move on to some non-fiction books now, since it seems that the other kinds of books have lost their luster.

    and yes, that Twilight series is corrupting girls' minds.
  3. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Read some Terry Pratchett books from the Discworld series like Hat full of Sky,The Wee Free Men and Wintersmith.
  4. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    I agree, I have read a few books like this. I reccomend that you should try a different genre of book. Try reading "Kill the Possum" I just loved that book. Its about a boy who has the hots for a girl. Later on in the book he finds out her darkest secret. (and no she hasn't done anything wrong)
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Never read Twilight, it is terrible crap
  6. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    I've read part of te first book. I don't see why teenage girl are so obsessed over it.
  7. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I tried to watch the movie to twilight and I could not get into it, and never finished it and thus I doubt I will ever pick up the books and oddly my teenage daughter didn't care much for it either, I mean she liked the movie and all, but nothing more than any other movies she like like those damned Bring It On movies.
  8. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    Lol those Bring It On movies are annoying.
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I've read it. It's psychologically brilliant. It hits all the right chords with a lot of girls, who then become too infatuated with fictional characters to notice that the book itself is horrible and the characters are one-dimensional.

    Also, Winterreise posted a great essay on IRC a couple of days back explaining how Edward Cullen meets all the criteria of an abusive partner.

    @mastergods: Yes, it's the fallout from Twilight. Everyone wants onto the badwagon. Read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, and anything to do with Terry Pratchett is genius. The later stuff in particular is great, but you should have read a few earlier books to get to know a few of the characters (like Rincewind, Vimes, the wizards and Moist von Lipwig).
  10. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Obviously, Twilight only appeals to girls. I read all 4 books but really, there's not much...how's to put it...epic battles or quests, or searches for holy grails.

    I would say that the majority of the characters, major and minor, don't change much.

    Most people that have read the books have said that the movie was horrible. I thought it was. Then again, books can't emulate bad acting.

    I must say that books 2 and 3 were mostly filler, with a few good parts in each book, but the rest was just blah. I don't see how they made new moon with the main character being all emo and bitchin' the entire 6/7ths of the book. Edward's hardly even in the 2nd book, so he should just be a supporting actor. I don't see how they're going to pull off introducing the new characters (like Dakota Fanning) since they failed to even mention them in the first movie. So that whole "remember when we told you about those people in the first movie" thing isn't going to work.

    I don't ever want to see the words glowered or shuddered ever again. I believe those are on every page.
  11. mastergods

    mastergods Well-Known Member

    I have read all of the Ender's Game books, I enjoyed it a lot. I also enjoyed Midnighters Series. I am trying to find books with dark powers/supernatural in the normal world, but all I cant find are love stories.

    back on topic.

    I asked my sister and a few of her friends. about what they want in a boyfriend. what I got was
    "He has to by tall and strong, able to save me when I need it."
    I got that from all of them. "Need to save me" They never talk about love of them being nice, just "can save me"
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    the reason why books are the same is because they don't have an imagination. what tends to happen is that they would look at other books and see what the big deal is. they'll figure it out and copy and paste those ideas into their books in trying to sell it to the people.

    it is not the book that is the problem but the authors. besides, the authors create the books to begin with, so it isn't the book but the authors that starts the creation of the book.

    if you find books like these, the author isn't really interested in making a book for you to read but rather trying to make a quick buck from you. so look for different authors.

    this is a very good topic to discuss. it's good because it's applicable to video games. in video games today, you often find games that feels cliche to something from the past but with new gimmicks to the game.
  13. mastergods

    mastergods Well-Known Member

    Its sad that in todays world nothing is really original.

    I was flipping thorugh tv channels the other day and landed on sci-fi. they are showing a new show called "warehouse 13" but it is just a rip off of the rip off of doctor who.

    I find once every three or four years something that is really new and does not just say it is new.
  14. Woolie1994

    Woolie1994 Well-Known Member

    Nothing against you, but I am laughin at you at the moment
  15. mastergods

    mastergods Well-Known Member

    me? why T.T
  16. dlord1193

    dlord1193 Active Member

    the worlds is so orginal that i get tired of it
  17. mastergods

    mastergods Well-Known Member

    I just found an author called Melissa Marr. Still has a love story in it but atleast its more anti love.
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...Books are like anything, especially games/movies/music...

    Everyone wants the same thing, with little change, if it's too different, it's harder to sell...

    Think like this-pokemon has barley changed, and thus makes alot because fans know it well...

    PN03 for gamecube (basically, a prototype for resident evil 4 in terms of controls and camera angles, otherwise it's like space invader...no I'm not kidding, and I love this game), it's an unknown, strange to play at times, lacks voice during cutscenes 9which would have helped in presentation) and thus remains obscure...

    Fans love it, but we shall never hear of it again...check it out on youtube if you wish.

    But you see-it's marketing-to make money is to use already established ideas-new ones are hit and miss-and misses cost companies dearly...
  19. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    There was a tetralogy of books by Sergei Lukyanenko I saw recently, starting with "Night Watch". I haven't read them yet, but people that have are saying it's fantastic. I assume they would be similar to the "City of ..." books without the retarded Meyer-esque bits.

    As for the "saving me" thing, girls live in a self-deluded fantasy world for the most part.
  20. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    I read books that people can relate to, you should read "The Perks of Being a WallFlower" It's about a quiet kid [The type that analyzes people in his head and only talks when spoken too] and his expieriences in high school, It's NOT that Beverly Hills 90210 shit either. ;)