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who's your best brawl charecter

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Bob_Kill123, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    just tell us who you play best as in brawl maby a favrite move
    you can have more than one best charecter
    also you can put your friend code so we can see how good you are

    i'll start mine are
    i like falcos refector and shooting people downwards with his falco illution
    my code is 0087-2168-9190
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    please refrain from using internet/sms shorthand such as 'u' and 'r', as it reduces readability and is also against our [rules]
  3. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    My faves were

    Toon link, Sonic, Falco, King dedede
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Fave Move

    This one

    Cant play online my wii's buggered at moment :-[
  4. jerimo

    jerimo New Member

    meta knight or pit
  5. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    I'd destroy you all at once with kirby 8)
  6. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    If you can use him, I have respect for you. Personally, I hate the two newb spammer characters (meta knight and pit).

    My favorite two would be Snake and Kirby. I don't like all of the people that use Kirby the same, though. Kirby is used best in conjunction with a throw item (like Mr. Satern, throw, combo, catch, bla bla)
  7. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    My favourites are:

    1. Lucas
    2. Toon Link
    3. Olimar
  8. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    them prove it give us your code
  9. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Indeed. I haven't played in months and will take this challenge
  10. Sonica

    Sonica Well-Known Member

    My best Brawl character is Ike, but I did use Peach, Marth and Lucas pretty well. Also Pit, well, his recovery is cheap.
  11. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I mainly go with Ike but I'm pretty good with Marth as well. I haven't had the chance to play it in ages though so I bet I'm pretty rusty.
  12. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    well you guys say pits recovery is cheap but i disagree
    1. your not suppossed to die from falling as it it usually a resalt of accsedentally using your jump too soon or some or simple mistake
    2. it is easally countered by any meteor smash which most charecters have
    and i am not biast as i never play as pit
    he does have other aspects that are very anoying though like his mirror shield and his bow
  13. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    Deathbreak911 i don't understand what your saying if you want to brawl me name a time and your code but simply stating that you take my challenge does not give me the ability to fight you
  14. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    I went to my friends a few days ago, and i used samus, link, and lucario... I like Lucarios Special too
  15. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    no offence but lucario's special isn't that great even if they focus the beam on one person the entire tome then it only adds up to like 40 damage and the blast at the end is only enough to kill them on a small stage at about 100 or so...
    also it is slow and usually easy to dodge but if you found a way to use it effectively then feel free to correct me
  16. poffertje

    poffertje Member

    my faves: mr game & watch, lucario, pikachu, olimar, both links, ROB. wario. I kinda like them all:p
  17. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    i used to play pikachu but i liked playing olimar better and i eventually just dropped pikachu
    i played link and ness in the first game but they made link worse in brawl
    i do like toon link but i never really had idesire to get really good with him
  18. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    i agree if you want a good special go with king dedede's (impossible to dodge)

    sonic's is good too (lasts forever)
  19. Bob_Kill123

    Bob_Kill123 Well-Known Member

    my personal faves are
    +falco's landmaster-lasts forever even if they let the platform time out i can still kill people twice by lifting them off
    +olimar's end of day-nearly imposible to dodge the damage and usually doing so will cause the rocket to hit you on its way down causing insti-death
    +pokemon trainer's triple finish-huge range, rediculous power, it fires pretty instantaniously unlike samus' zero lazer that gives penty of time to dodge asuming your not in a really bad position and you know what your doing and it last for a considerable amount of time making it difficult to simple jump over
    +ice climbers glacer-it's freakin' huge! and last for what seems like forever and it constantly damages you and freazes you; there are a few disadvantages like it will not KO a player, it can be difficult for the ice climbers to get around it but other than that its pretty good
    +zelda/sheik's light arrow- insti-KO 95% of the time, big range espestially on a flat stage like bridge of eldin, and hits multiple players; only disadvantage is how long it takes her to load the arrow gives pleanty of time to get out of the way as long as evation is posable and your paying atention
    +snake's granade lancher- lasts for a very long time and is very powerful; even though there is a dely on when the grenades explode it does not give enough time to doge more the 2 or 3 and they have such a long range and the explotion lasts so long that shield dodging doesn't work; i still havent found an effective way of dodging this...

    thats all for now if i think of any they'll be up here fell free to name some of your own and pealse give some reasons so if people disagree they can counter thanks 8)
  20. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    Say it with me!
    And for some weird reason, I've been on a really, really big undefeated streak with Peach.
    And I can't actually say I played her before the streak.