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Who's watching Highschool of the Dead?

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by slapmeorelse, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    It's a manga series that's been here for about five years or so?

    Oh, but the anime started airing just almost a month ago. (Jeez has it really been THAT long?)

    Anyways, who's watching this?
  2. CrashmanX

    CrashmanX Well-Known Member

    Quite a few of us are, though quite a few of the people who are watching it seem to just like bitching about the fanservice. Dont expect too many "IT A GREAT SERIES"s coming from here. Though I myself I enjoy the series quite a bit.
  3. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    i want more story less
    O u HOTD.

  4. Dannysikth

    Dannysikth Well-Known Member

    I watched this show, its so awesome! I haven't read the manga before and it was just downloaded on impulse.

    I want to see more of this:-


    Action that is, not what you were thinking ::)

    A game would be nice too. Cell shaded zombies are not something you see every day.
  5. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Great series, I like the Gun Otaku and his 'cute' and 'beserk' faces. Rei gets on my nerves though, Takashi should leave her for the zombies.
  6. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, I can totally relate to the Gun Nut dude. I know a lot about guns, and military stuff, and then I'm not into that good of shape either, I'm not fat like him, but I'm not exactly fit either. XD
  7. evannick

    evannick Well-Known Member

    T^T you remind me time flies
    and waiting for mai fren to download and give it to me
    downloading other animes
  8. Mafuyu

    Mafuyu Active Member

  9. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Wow...latest episode... didnt know Rei was bi.
  10. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    It's oke I guess.
    But I think Death Note and Phantom Hunter Miko are better
  11. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    Love it can't get over it.
    Wonder if the anime will end up passing the manga translations.
    Don't mind the fan service.
  12. Soluri

    Soluri Well-Known Member

    Bloody ::)
  13. Dannysikth

    Dannysikth Well-Known Member

    I don't think its bloody enough. I don't want to see entrails etc. but get the claret flowing. The girls wear white shirts and have little blood splatter on them, they should be covered in it the way they slay the zombies.
  14. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Aw man, thanks for spoiling it.
    I haven't watched it yet.
    I also heard the manga's writer has written full blown hentai mangas as well, so that answers all the fan service. XD

    EDIT: Just finished episode 6. It was alright, but HOLY FAN-SERVICE BATMAN! Once again, I can totally relate to the gun-nut dude. I'd have a nerdgasm if I saw an Itacha M37, Knights Armament Sniper Rifle (Can't remember what it's called specifically, there's tons of rifles based of the AR-15 Platform), and an M14 EBR sitting in a locker in a zombie pandemic.
    Only problem is that since it's in Japan you may not be able to find as much ammo as you would Canada or the States, since those weapons are illegal.
    Though personally I wouldn't want the Itacha M37 shotgun, maybe for close quarters. Contrary to popular belief, Shotguns would not be good in a zombie outbreak, as you need to single-handedly load each individual shotgun shell into the tube magazine, then it's short range, slow rate of fire, and it can't hold as many rounds as a regular rifle, maybe around 8, or 10 shells.
    The M14 EBR however would be perfect, the 7.62x51mm NATO round can reach out and hit a target at over a mile away, the gun is proven to be reliable and is still in use today, but the gun would be useless fully automatic, so semi automatic would be best. Slap on a EOTech Holographic Sight, and a Grip/Flashlight combo, keep the gun on Semi and your ready to rock.
    The Knights Armament Rifle would be OK too, I'm pretty sure it uses the smaller 5.56x45mm NATO round. Not much else to say about it. It is really long though, so it might be cumbersome.
    Also, the Gun-Nut dude said he was trained by a guy from Blackwater, a Private Military Company. They aren't made up, Blackwater is real. For those who don't know, a "Private Military Company" is essentially an army for hire, Mercenaries to be blunt. Blackwater is over in the middle-east right now I'm pretty sure.
  15. Dannysikth

    Dannysikth Well-Known Member

    Shotgun not good in zombie outbreak?
    What if it was shotgun or no gun? I know which I'd choose. It may even have a big heavy stock so you could bludgeon them to death when the ammo is gone.
    If that isn't bad enough, here in England almost all guns are illegal and a double barrelled shotgun would be the only gun you'd find with more than one shot capacity.
    There are obviously variables you'd need to account for, police weapons/illegal weapons etc.
  16. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, I'd totally take a shotgun over no gun. Just saying, if I had to choose between an Itacha, an M14, and an AR-15 type gun I'd take either the M14 or the AR-15 type gun, though I'd likely give the Itacha to somebody else as backup, or if I was alone take it anyways. Because you just never know.
    But yeah, being in the UK during a zombie apocalypse would stink. The police don't even have guns, do they? Well if you can't get a gun there's always your imagination. Anything can be weaponized if you put your mind to it. Personally I'd go with a Halligan Tool, I'm pretty sure they're widely used by Fire Departments over in the UK.

    Anyways, I look forward to the next episode.
  17. Dannysikth

    Dannysikth Well-Known Member

    Oh yes, the police have guns. They are not allowed to carry them because there is armed response teams which specialise in that. They won't have crappy guns either. Think sub-machine gun or assault rifle and you'd probably have the right idea.

    But zombie apocalypse in England would suck just like anywhere, unless you're watching Shaun of the Dead. That film is ace.

    So this is a Halligan Tool? [​IMG]
    It does look like a very good zombie killer ;D
  18. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Yup, that's a halligan tool. Used for breaching buildings and getting through stuff, mainly used by fire departments for getting doors down fast. It's like a crowbar with a pick thing on the side, which I imagine would be good for killing zombies.
  19. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Zombies are weak against records. Especially records from good bands. And Cornettos are great for breakfast.
    That movie was awesome.
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'm watching for sure :)