Who here is noticeably different? Whether it be at work, school etc.. Such as smarter than everyone else, different look (hair, buffness etc.), approach to people (tackling them at sight etc.) . Me, I tend to say nothing for about 10 seconds when greeting mates, and I completely ignore anyone I don't like most of the time. I look like a complete stoner. Not enough sleep. At the start of 1st period, my mouth is literally open and I stare into space for about 5 minutes. I make really weird noises as well. Not the immature ones such as armpit farting, but choking, suffocating, and high pitched noises. My right eye twitches occasionally for some reason. And my eyes are sensitive to the sun, so even on a cloudy day I still squint my eyes. That's all.
I'm short and I daydream a lot. I have a very short attention span when I'm not interested in something. I am a genius in some subjects and I also tend to wear clothes that stand out.
I have poor vision, when talking to people I can't look them in the eye, which was a major problem when I applied for a job, the interviewer thought I was actually not interested. I got a killer photographic memory, during tests, some people think I'm stressing out 'cause I tend to stare at the ceiling & mumble inaudible crap, little do they know I'm actually recalling my memories of a particular day where the answer to a question was taught to us. I really don't like being around the filthy rich, I rather hang out with the filthy people, like the low bracket people Because of my built, some people are actually afraid of me, they think I'm a corrupt police officer ;D
i love music, and will gladly explain to anybody the difference between lossless and lousy (lossy) encoding, whether they like it or not. i like to wear massive headphones in public and accidentally started a trend, wearing a wolly hat beneath a pair of phones (i know because lots of other people who used to have earbuds are now doing it) i'm filled with pointless facts and can be useful every now and again i'm the sort of person who wears casual clothes to a big job interview - i know because i did and got the job and small things amuse me
well i LOVE dark places, I alwasy keep my house dark and in the office as soon as everyone leave, i turn off most of the lights and even i dont belive in god and stuff, i kindda like the idea of meeting demoness in hell or get bitten by vampire queen...... and finally no, I'm not an Emo.
....Photographic memory? Liar... and I guess I'm put into that "Filthy Rich" topic because I have to hang out with em while I go schooling in San beda Alabang.... Corrupt police officer... I get called emo alot.... but I prefer it to be light, in the morning, i open the curtains so the house is bright and shiny! I point out the smallest things, like on the price forms in San Beda, (I payed today) I kept on complaining that the word enrollment was spelled correct once, and spelled as Enrolment ten times.... I get mad at the slightest mistakes.... I'm more of an idea person, most of my work is entirely my idea, but I ahve to pull some contacts to help me get the idea done. I ahve horrible penmanship, but I ahve alot of creativity... I'm a Professional Journalist (I get paid for competing in the region/area press confrences ) at the age of 14 I have a weird fear of the dark....You guys won't believe me why I''m afraid of the dark I can't open my eyes underwater.... I know alot of pointless facts (Especially about animals) Teachers get mad at me when I correct them, I get mad at them back when they correct me... I talk back agressively when I'm called a foreigner I have a shyness problem, I'm a very timid person.. I can't look at someone in the eyes for more than ten seconds without breaking eye contact (Even in the family) I can bend my thumb differently than other people, but my thumb's top portion cannot be fully bent down.. I'm allergic to Tuyo, or sun-dried sardines? fryed in a pan I'm allergic to vegetable oil... I used to be allergic to chocolate I have a short temper ETC
Yeah really my memory's that sharp, here's proof: We have this subject in UP, called STS, it's a prerequisite subject you take before you graduate college, just like P. I. 100, or Rizal (Don't know why our Uni calls it P.I. 100 though) STS is this friggin subject that doesn't have a textbook for it, instead, you buy sets of Stenographed reading materials, each 400 pages long, & you buy a total of 10 of these, so basically you'll be reading material 4000 pages long! So to make things easy, the College of Sciences, devised a way for students to pass the subject without reading 4000 pages of facts, by giving out sample exam sheets, these are copies of actual exams given semesters ago, almost 60 - 70% percent of answers in these samples re appear in every test given but ofcourse the numbering & wording may differ, but the answer is the same. For the entirity of the semester, you're given 5 of these exams, & a sixth final exam is given to you if you passed only 2 or 3 of them. In my case I got 4 of 5, so I didn't have to take the final, & what's worse, it was really crunch time for me, as I took STS in the summer, which was only 6 weeks long, so basically at the end of the week, Saturday we took the exam, so I really had no choice, I had to go with sample exams, like you can read 4000 pages in 5 days! And in another instance, when I took my licensure exam, most of my college batch mates, who finished earlier than me, it took me 6 years to finish a 4 year course, because I had to work in between. Some of my batch mates, never passed the licensure exam (you get 3 tries at it, if you can't pass on the third try sorry), some made it on the third try, our batch Magna Cum Laude got it on the 2nd, he even protested that there was a discrepancy on his first try, but me... I got it on my first try ;D , not only that, I finished earlier than those who took the exam with me, you see the exam takes a day to complete, it starts at 7 in the morning & ends at 6 in the evening, I finished at around 2:30 in the afternoon, I was actually kinda ashamed for it because the Proctor, & some of the other Examinees, stared at me. And when the results came out... I passed & was tied with 6 others for tenth place!! Thanks to my photographic memory ;D
But can you read 400 pages worth, little spacing in between, with writing on both sides of each page making the total paged text to be 800 pages long, in 3 days, then for three days more you'll read another 800 pages of text then understand & remember it all. Then you also have 3 more subjects to deal with. If you've got friends who are in their 3rd year in UP ask them about STS & take their word on it ;D
I'll go ask my sister's friends too bad my sister's going to La Salle, she could've gone to UP, but she was lacking subjects, and tehy wouldn't accept her...
I can not be on computer without listening to music at the same time, I am not scared of saying stuff such as I did today ("Watchout! He is trying to open your bras!!", he was infact just tapping her back), I say what I like. I do anything I am urged to, except if it will hurt somebody psychically and he/she can do something to me I am scared of. And I have only studied english 2 and half years, yet I am better than anyone of the 200 students in our school, or at least it seems so. Oh and I spend most of my time on computer
I'm sorry if I offended you with the I hate the filthy rich, what I meant is I hate Coños & Rich assholes, you know the kind who join illegal drag races & bet thousands of Pesos & if they lose they'd bet their girlfriends, those guys seriously need attitude adjustments I do have rich friends though, but they don't act & look like it. Dress wise, they look like tambays waiting for their beer buddies or hobos who don't appear to have money, but go to Starbucks & pay with their wallets, filled with 1000 peso bills, or buy stuff online using their 4 - 5 credit cards. These guys are cool 'cause though they have money, & have 2 - 3 cars (one of them's father is a coucilor for San Juan) they commute, & like me they support the Jeepney transport sector, best of all they lend me their PS2 that's why I was able to play FFX &FFX-2, & Suikoden ;D
Are you allowed to say that? I mean I cant say it in english, can I? NEway I usually assult people for their opinions judge books by their cover, although there are many exceptions and If I don't like your opnion doesn't mean I don't like you. I am kindof an asshole, but I get nice if you break inside my shell. I hate human nature as well, and bethesda, and FFTA
I know you guys don't know the word Coño, 'cause its a Filipino word, they're the kind of people who are posers, meaning they might be rich or just acting rich. Also if you read through to the end of that paragraph I defined which kind of rich folk I hate, the kind who think they're better than everyone else, like Paris Hilton, well she's the best example by the way. And yes you can assail people here, like how I hate Bill Gates, a lot of the guys here can't understand, but I tell them to just please accept me for that, as I accept them for who they are. You shouldn't attack members in particular, 'cause that's against the rules. No racial slurs either, that's bad!