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Who helped you start on RomU? And who do you respect more?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rock91, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    This thread I dedicate to meganova who I respect very much and helped me A LOT when I first started on Romulation. Thank you meganova. You helped me too much. I really apreciate your time given to me. I will return the favour soon I promise. YOU ROCK \m/

    How about you guys?
    Who helped you start on Romulation and How ?
    And who do you respect more here on RomU ?

    Please stay on topic on this thread. Be nice to eachother please.
  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: Who helped you start on RomU?

    My first few post were on technical help when I first started.

    Not many people had helped me from memory (as in showing me how the site works), but I did gain some friends once I joined the spam thread.

    Now I pm people if they seem a tad out of line in order to educate them-some times it works, other's...creates unforseen issues in which I end up reporting them instead.

    My intro topic wasn't made until I was 4 star rank XD

    Now for the direct question to answer.

    -Who helped me-just those willing to answer my questions like anandjones and trithRR, plus loonlylion, and a few other who I hardly see now

    -Who do I respect-no matter how many times I recieve warnings, it'll be the moderators AND admins of this fair site for allowing me to stay as I am :)

    For the most part, they are wise, respectful and I even get a laugh/shared opinion of of a few :)

    Users I respect, in no order, it's miss_g, meganova, koyuchan, nhi_po, and snebbers.

    Those aren't listed I do respect, but it's these few who I know who I make an effort to run around for.

    And big shout out to "Lookinthemirror" for sending me his tool battery and the times we helped each other :)
  3. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    When you're a part of such an excellent forum community such as this one, everyone has helped me down the line. I respect those who admit when they can't answer something, but take the time to direct you to someone who can. It takes intelligent and strong people, to make intelligent and strong people. Rom U provides such people.
  4. DrPappyPhD

    DrPappyPhD Member

    Well, Lets see.
    Id hafta say Rock91 ;D
    Thanks for the position at the site.
    Also it would haftabe G@l1h for all the help he gave me on the no$gba.
    And Ace, for teaching me about ohio XD.
    Also a shout out to Seph for the awesome site. Thanks Seph.
    And thanks to the Moderators, it takes alot of effort and time to keep such a big forum under control.
  5. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    I would have to say Hypnos-by a mile.I used to like Tirith and I wished I voted for Anandjones as the best Moderator instead,as he gets straight to the point-no handbag swinging.

    Since I dont play games,Ill thank Hypnos and Anandjones on behalf of my disabled son,who is benefitting daily because of your advice.Also a mention to Ace(Wii) and Apocolyptica(GBA) also

  6. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I like Kamui, who helped me a lot with my review, Hypnos, who is friendly, Haseo, who is awesome, and nex <3
  7. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    yeah the seniors are awesome!! XD
  8. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    I mostly starts on RomU on my own at first.
    But now, I hold respect for the friends I made in here :)
  9. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    i don't want to mention names anymore, you know who you are, but all you great people helped me start on RomU. that makes romulation different from any other forums i've been, and i'm glad to be a part of it. thanks to all and more power to the community! ;)
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    First off, seph gets my highest respects, if not for him we wouldn't have RomUlation right?

    Next comes loony, Reider, anandjones, Moderasian, Remnoca & TirrithRR, in that order.

    I joined right after RomUlation rebooted after the great Shutdown of 2007 & when I joined, I was not only a n00b with ROMs & emulators, I was also a n00b with PCs in general. loony was one of the first people who shared his knowledge with ROMs, emulators & PC stuff willingly & freely. You see even though I'm at my current age, at that time I was extremely new with PCs in general, the only things I knew back then was how to navigate my OS (Windows). I did get educated with using the net & using Windows in secondary school but not the ins & outs of hardware, fighting viruses & all that jazz.

    I did have friends (who showed how much of a friend they really were by talking smack about me) who were computer literate to loony's level or at least close to his, but they never taught me anything :p When I ask about how this works &/or what this doo-hicky is they'll just say, "It's too complicated & you wouldn't understand". Which, in most cases wasn't :p

    loony was more of a friend they ever could, though those guys & I go way, way back, whilst loony here who I've only known via a forum & still am getting to know better as each day passes was nice enough to teach things he knows to total strangers.

    Much is the same with anandjones, Reider & TirrithRR, those guys are well versed with emulation related stuff & they too are willing to teach stuff freely.

    With Moderasian, it's a different story, he earned my respect with his Philosophy of doing your best to use English properly. Yeah though most people hate him for being a grammar Nazi, but I don't. Because I understand the need to use as good enough English as you can. Sadly with him getting wiser each year, I realized he started to lose his Nazi -ist attitude & is slowly becoming "reasonable", to put it in a good way.

    With Remnoca, he earned my respect as a friend even before he became a mod, heck even as he was a newbie he was a fun loving person, though we all know he had that bad moment in RomUlation history.

    As for regular members?

    I respect a lot of 'em, some have left or are at an inactive phase like Calvin_0 1Blacks1, renji, dmac, vincent_valentine & jin_kazama. As well as several new folk like hYpNoS, miss_G, Crazytuna & the rest of the folk who frequent Games & jokes.

    Last Edit:

    How could I forget to add, Almo & Equity on here, d'uh!

    Almo was one of the first people I found out who was also into oldies music & he especially likes the Beatles. A major plus factor in my book.

    Equitypetey, well we all know him as the great sig maker that he is, but besides that he too is a great friend :)
  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Hahaha, Cahos. xP

    Hmm, well RomUlation and MonBre is practically where I grew up.
    Well I first came here as we finally got broadband and I could access it with my laptop. I wanted to get roms for my R4 and all that.
    So I first made an intro after reading all the rules (which if you haven't then you should!) and only got one response! xD It was Loonylion, and he seemed a pretty cool guy.

    Well here's where it started, I was 14 or 15, i'm not quite sure, I joined in March and my birthday was in March and well I was a complete nubcake, I even necro posted. I decided I should avoid other sections so I just went to the games, jokes and random section which was fun.

    I'd say Loonylion, Cahos, CB12, Renji and the other older users were a positive influence on me at first.

    Later when I was 15 I was, to put it lightly, a little annoying rebel, I even got myself banned for a week! And well, for me growing up after that it was mostly IRC users and the RomU staff, Seph and Loony were always a big help, to be honest the 'trolls' helped me mature a lot, Gus, Voidsies and other members helped me see how much of an immature sociopath I was.

    Basically, being mean also helps people grow up.

    Much love guys. <3
    P.S- Sorry other members I forgot to mention.
  12. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    And to think you started out with your doggie's cute innocent eyes staring at us, now you're chucking that spike ball at us mercilessly :p
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Hmm, at one time I was a furry if you recall. I'm glad I got trolled, furries are either retarded or they just have a bad fetish. I was just all "Animals and people are equal!" Ahahaha. So wrong.
  14. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    You were able to connect with the people CJ. They respected you and your opinion, something that is indeed rare. And it's man's folly to forget why they were punished to begin with, history will repeat itself, should you have forgot why that lesson was necessary in the first place.
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Yes, things happen for a reason.
  16. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Well sometimes they just do, & you learn to live with it :)
  17. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

    To keep things short and sweet, I respect (almost) everybody here, and I appreciate any help from the mods.
  18. frebels

    frebels Well-Known Member

    I geus i respect seph and loonylion the most seph for making this site and loonylion for helping me with technical isseus and i geus for helping seph out.
  19. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    I also respect CJ a lot. Althou we had some fights, I think and mostly because I make lotsa stupid (YET COOL) threads, I hope he doesn't still have a grudge on me. I trully respect him. He's the first mod with wich I actually interacted more. And I admit that he does his job impecably. Good Job Remnoca ^^
  20. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I can't really say anyone "helped" me per se, since there weren't all that many people here when I arrived and I'm just naturally awesome. I do admit that I miss some of the older guys that used to be here like iamlegend, Relys, and some other guys I can't even remember anymore. Memory is already starting to go. :p

    Present day, I'd have to give my vote to Littlekill, Void, Suis, Anandjones, and TirithRR. The first 3 because I've known them for quite awhile now and they've always been good at putting on a show even though it usually ends up getting locked. AJ and Tirith get noted by me because they do so much every day I'm starting to wonder what sort of drugs or alcohol they've been doing. I'm always finding full pages of the mod log with them doing stuff so I feel I should offer my respects in that regard since I've been rather lazy these days. :p

    I tend to like people to some capacity until they do something to irritate me so I guess I can say I like most of you at least.