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who else wants a damage-based shooter?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by lampslammer, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    Shooters aren't my favorite, but they're so badass now I gotta love them. Especially tactical shooters. They kick ass.

    I would love to see a shooter without healthpacks or regeneration. With the exception of a few games you basically can take a full clip from an M4 then go around the corner and be back at full health with 5 seconds of sitting still. That's weak. How much more rewarding would it be to finish a stage a without taking any fatal wounds. In my opinion the hardest, and the most rewarding FPS matches are terrorist hunts in rainbow 6 on the hardest settings. It's 1 on 50 most of the stages, and the terrorist don't miss. It's f'ing hard. The way damage works is almost perfect. two or 3 bullets can kill you. But you can regenerate....... By the end of the hunt I've prolly been shot 15 or 20 times. sometimes more than that. I'm the kind of guy who has to play on the game on hard. So when i do finish terrorist hunts I think to myself," That was bs I should have died 20 times.

    and i'm sure alot of you will say that's retarded and no one will play it. which is probably true. people get frustrated easily.

    Does anybody agree? or is it just better to walk away from an entire assault rifle clip, wait five seconds and continue.
  2. ShoFIZZLE

    ShoFIZZLE Member

    Those would require skill to play. No one wants that. lol
  3. SGRaaize

    SGRaaize Well-Known Member


    Its has not a realistic story (Its on Chernobyl, full of mutants and bandits), but when it comes to battle, its realistic...
    Shotgun in face and you're dead
    It has medkits and (very slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww) regeneration, but its still one of the most realistic and hardest Shooters around there.
    Also, its very interesting and fun
  4. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    ya it's a shame. the standard is easy now. and i'll check out stalker thanks. sounds like what im looking for.
  5. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

  6. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Ghost Recon. I've only played the first one and its expansions, but they didn't have any regeneration or medkits whatsoever. Once you're shot, you stay shot.
    STALKER, realistic? Clearly you've never fired a gun in that game. Aiming is actually less accurate in ironsight mode than otherwise, which is saying something >_>

    Fortunately, there are mods to fix this.