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White Screen when games start on r4?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by alwaysneedshelp, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. So Yeah, I play loads of games. I got the software updated. The Card says: Dual Core (Smart Update). I started Pokemon White 2 and a white screen came up after it said "Loading..." even though I've played this game before. Help ASAP.
  2. m_babble

    m_babble Member

    White screen with loading? If you stuck at the "loading" screen after loading, then it is the kernel problem. So check your fimware or redownload the correct kernel and copied them onto the microSD, the issue will be resolved immediately. As you said that your card is dual core, then make sure your card is this one below,then its firmware should be V3.4b.

  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I can think of several possibilities. But your lack of information makes it hard for me to suggest direct solution.
    For now, try to;
    1. remove old save file
    2. download encryptDS.exe and try to 'encrypt' and then 'decrypt' the rom. (find the program via Google)
    3. try again

    Other possibilities could involve re-formatting the SD Micro and adding secondary firmware such as YSMENU, or using pre-patched rom (use DS-Scene Rom Tool if necessary).

    If it had worked before on that cart, it has nothing to do with kernel issue, when it was made, nor if it's original or clones.
  4. Sorry to reply so late. Thing is, I don't want my saved data/ game .sav and .nds.sav files to be deleted. Oh and my card looks like that picture, only that here is a pic. Thanks. Sorry for the quality, my phone is shite. Only 5 MP.

    :-\ Please help it's been 3 weeks since I played a Pokemon Game on my DS.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you can't link a file on your computer, you need to upload it somewhere like imgur.com and paste the link you're given.
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Are you sure you really need help? 10 days between responds suggest otherwise.
  7. Yes, I do need help. Read the name. I was out for 10 days due to a personal problem and health problems, so yesh I always need help.
    It says I can't post external links?
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Hi, posting external links is not allowed until you have a certain number of posts. Sorry about that, but it's necessary because we got so many people signing up to spam the forum with links.
  9. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    Dude first of all, get the game running properly.
    Then think and worry about continuing the saved game and save files.

    Step 1 Backup that save data to your computer.
    Step 2 Remove the .sav from your card and try to begin a new game. See if the game loads.

    Now just as Prectorian said, try other kernels like YS Menu and see if it works.
    Also just like he mentioned try Encrypting and Decrypting the rom.

    Prectorian has already mentioned all the available solutions to the problem in his posts, Read and Follow those.
  10. Ok:
    a) What are kernels? (I'm a rookie in this)
    b) How to encrypt and decrypt
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Hay I found two kernels for you Prectorian :p xd ;)

  12. That was good.
    But now, serious mode pls lol.
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Kernels just anther word for firmware really .

    I don't have this card, So will let them who know and has this card help you.
  14. Ok. But how do you decrypt games and encrypt games? Quick Help pls.
  15. Dark Infernape

    Dark Infernape Raiden 雷電

    Download encryptDS.. its a software for encryption/decryption.
    Google it.
  16. I have tried but could not find EncryptDS. I should close this thread then as I have learned that my card is from 2012 an has 2013 firmware which cannot be update due to the hardware being altered. Have to get a new card then. Recommendations? Im thinking of The Gold as it looks the best or maybe the Silver. it was from r4isdhc.com