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Which Zelda Game is Easier?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by ZeroSlayer01, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. ZeroSlayer01

    ZeroSlayer01 Well-Known Member

    Hello Zelda fans and gamers! I'm looking into two Zelda games for the N64. one of them I played a little many years ago (and just tried downloading). It's Ocarina of Time. It's kind of difficult though, especially without a really good walkthrough, but even with.

    But lets say I tried to get through each game with as little wakthrough as possible, which Zelda game do you think is the easiest game to play out of these two: Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask?

    Also, can anyone tell me how to get past that part of the game in the Deku tree where you walk into a room and the door closes behind you. There's this thing to step on that raises 3 other things to step on, but I don't see any way out :(. That's in the Ocarina of Time, btw ^^;.
  2. The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time
  3. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    ocarina from what i remember i only needed help in ocarina once or twice but for majoras i needed help constantly
  4. destiar123

    destiar123 Well-Known Member

    i think ocarina is easier..
  5. ZeroSlayer01

    ZeroSlayer01 Well-Known Member

    Really? I've given up on that game. Even with a walkthrough, it's so hard, but maybe it's just because I'm using a keyboard instead of a video game controller.
  6. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member


    but i've beaten it like 5 times
  7. Gatherer

    Gatherer Member

    All non-hand held console games are harder on the computer.
    Majoras mask my brother needed help and he in no game needs help. (He played it a week ago)
    While Orcarina of time I could play when I was a kid (about 8-7 years ago that I played it) and I beat it.
    I'm a VERY bad gamer except for cartoonish/Snowboarding games.
    Majoras mask I didn't understand and I screwed up by the first 3 days.
  8. airhead929

    airhead929 Active Member

    ocarina because majora's mask has a time limit 3 days >> (unless u play the song of time backwards)
    and everytime u turn it off ur rubiees reset
  9. FuryFlame

    FuryFlame Member

    They're both pretty damn easy lol.

    Majoras Mask is shorter, so keep that in mind. Shorter is generally better when emulating.
  10. Batman168

    Batman168 Well-Known Member

    I haven't played them too much recently, but as a kid, Majoras Mask was easier.. (Is that spelled right?)
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Coming from the person that has beaten Ocarina in less than a day, including getting all equipment upgrades and 20 hearts, I'd say Ocarina is MUCH easier.

    In the Deku Tree, a certain deku scrub will tell you the order in which to kill his three brothers, and the three brothers will tell you how to kill the boss. It's all a matter of paying attention to the dialogue.

    I wasn't a fan of playing Majora's Mask because I always felt rushed when playing, even with extended time. I also never got all of the heart pieces in this game, and hardly understood how to beat some of the pre-dungeon stuff (The mirror shield for instance)

    Now playing Master Quest is a lot harder than either of these two.
  12. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    As for opposite, the hardest one is A Link to the Past
  13. -K-

    -K- Member

    i think it would be ocarina, i never get the time limit thing of majoras
  14. kedem.kedem1

    kedem.kedem1 Member

    This is very important:
    first, you should play at least one (two is better) of the two dimentional games than ocarina of time (than or before that alink to the past) and then Majora's MAsk bcause OOT (ocarina of time) can only be played after you understand the thinking of the zelda sieries since if you do understand OOT loses a lot of it's complexity and becomes quite easy.
    besides, Majora's mask is a game in which you MUST be VERY efficient because every 72 (or if you're smart 216) minutes your whole progress is lost. unlike OOT where you can leave and continue later even the sidequests. so if you have'nt played (and by "played" I mean finished) any game before start with OOT .
    another reason why to start whith OOT is the extreamly epic battle against Ganon at the end you cannot emagine the stisfaction of winning this fight/
    by the way walkthroughs are to be used only if you're stuk.
    here is a great one for OOT (it's also good for the other games but not perfect):

    Post Merge: [time]1269373784[/time]
    that is so untrue master quet (i am only talking about the firt time) is even easyer then OOT though it is slightly harder inside the dungens
    Post Merge: [time]1269374131[/time]
    no keyboard is only problamatic when you need to ame fast and hit acurately (like in shooting games it is all about the configurations: if you do it smart and corftable you eill do great
  15. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Ocarina of Time. And the keyboard can be a problem at times, but most of the time its smooth. If you're low on cash and don't want to buy a gamepad, you can use your PSP if you own one. There may be trouble mapping the keys to suit your self but once you do it, you're on top of the world playing one of the greatest games of all time.
  16. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    The only thing they did change were the dungeons. That's what makes it more difficult. Everything outside of the dungeons is the exact same as OoT.
  17. Rod182

    Rod182 Well-Known Member

    Combat-wise: Twilight Princess
    Design-wise: Wind Waker? Or maybe Phantom Hourglass.
    The answer that's actually useful to you: Ocarina of Time, without a doubt. Majora's Mask can be quite complicated, even for the average gamer.
    Much like Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn to Path of Radiance, the game is designed assuming you've at least played the previous one.
  18. T-Dub

    T-Dub Well-Known Member

    hey, so are we talking outside of oot and mm now? cuz, I saw somebody mention twilight princess. alright then, I think the easiest loz game is...uh, I dunno twilight princess, I've beaten it like 20 something times already, god bless it soul. :'(

    I remember around the end where you had to fight zant and took you all those old boss battles locations, I beat his ass so hard it was funny. I liked the last fight where he starts to fight all weird and unorthodox, ya know with all the spinning and yelping. For the game to hype him up as the big scary bad guy and all the crap he put link through, he turned out to be such a wimp. :p

    and don't get me started on the three phase ganondorf battles. that was easy too.