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which will last longer?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by calvin_0, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    between a restaurant and a cafe? a restaurant is a place for people to have a full meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner), and cafe is for people to relax and hang out.

    i'm asking this is because i wanted to start a business in food services possiblly 5 years later (currently i'm gathering model and ask my insurance agent to invest it, so 5 years later i'll have my business capital)
  2. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    i suggest a cafe, but if longer is the case, then a restaurant. i never heard of a cafe that still standing after 10 years, but thats just me. a restaurant in our country boast years of service, like max and aristocrat. but its really up to you which you can manage better.

    if you can manage it personally and do the checks of everything, then it will go a long way
  3. branraf

    branraf Well-Known Member

    Restaurant will last longer as long as you're willing to commit to it.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    A restaurant will need a lot more outlay than a cafe. You'd need more staff, a bigger premises. If you start with a cafe you could always move to bigger premises later and become a restaurant.
  5. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i'd say a cafe

    here is why its cheaper to run you have more chance of making money and better money then a restaurant

    to start with when you primarily sell food that food is what is making you the money (food makes little money) you have to staff it with waiters, kitchen staff, bar staff, kp's, hosts, managers and so on depending on how you run the place so as you can see it costs allot just to run.

    if you want anything of any quality your produce will need to be fresh and unless you get the people into eat it, it goes in the bin loosing money, you need a constant stream of people coming in every night to keep you profits up so you have to be good any mistakes means you loose your rep and then your customers as restaurants rely on reputation.

    there is allot of stress to running a restaurant.

    now i say cafe but not just a cafe i say a cafe/bar they are always the winners its cheap easy and fun.
    cheap to run as you only need a few people to run it no food dying in you fridges and people are drinking and liquid always makes more profit then anything.

    so in the day you run it as a cafe selling tea, coffee and a bit of cake with comfy place to sit so some tables and chairs but also a few sofas.
    if you still want to do food you can do things like sandwiches or similar things mabye some hot lunch type food but easy things.

    then in the evening people can drink alcohol and you can put on entertainment like an open mic night and things like that.

    if you have one of these near a university or similar it becomes a cool place for them to spend free periods and then in the evening it becomes a social gathering place

    sofas + alcohol/coffee + students = money

    best of all you can just have fun with it
  6. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    oh yeah, forgot to add, if you make it a chinesse restaurant with delivery, then BINGO!, in america, they will always say, Let order chinesse. and here in our country, we mostly order for delivery those fast food, but we have this restaurant called "Chowking", its good if you dine in, but if you order delivery, then you have to get used to cold chicken soup. hehehe

    You should also have those delivery and have like a system that you deliver fast and hot.
    For Cafes, it may give you high profit at start, but remember, there are big companies to compete like starbucks, seattle and some other cafes
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    thanks guys, i'll open up a cafe to build my rep, then slowly covert it into a restaurant.... i hope it can last since i aim for it to be a family business

    now i need to learn how to brew a great cup of coffee....
  8. Alexrose

    Alexrose New Member

    Yeah, Romulation is the best place to ask about a lifetime prospect like that.
  9. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised no one suggested the Cafe to Strip Club route.

    Cheap Food and Beer sold at Outrageous Prices + Naked Women + Cover Charge = Lots of Money.
  10. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Maybe if you made it more like a Panera's Bread (Cafe with proper food as well). I suggest a cafe, it would be much easier to run.
  11. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    man Strip Club isnt good as family business

    yes it is.....i found more of usefull advise on romulation then on other forums.
  12. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    what is wrong with you? :D as much as i like naked women i wouldn't want any of the stripper diseases to rub off on my sandwich. :D
  13. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    cafe is more cooler and much more fun
  14. atmizi69

    atmizi69 Well-Known Member

    yeah, everything that ends with cafe is cool. a restaurant seems like a lot of work :D
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Not everything's fun & games you know, sometimes you've gotta work! work! work!
  16. ultra

    ultra Guest

    neither of them.
    if a cafe is a place to hang-out and relax, they can also do that at home or somewhere else like the park.

    with a restuarant, it needs recognition, which if you don't have then you'll bound to fail.

    the best choice is a restaurant in my opinion. but it's a matter of what restaurant you're planning on doing business on. if you look at a diner for instance, not does it only serve breakfast it also serves lunch. of course the problem with diners is that it doesn't offer a variety of things. this is important because variety is the key for business. think about television for instance, a tv station that only has reality tv programs isn't going to go far as people want other entertainment. but variety is hard because it requires resources [money] which is a hard thing to have when you go into the food industry. if you think about fast food for instance, having a dunkin donuts, with mcdonalds and kfc is great but to maintain [both in services, resources and other needs] the facility it becomes very burdensome.
  17. Murderbox

    Murderbox Active Member

    Mmmmh, STDs. Delicious STDs.
  18. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    they are called STI's now not STD's :p
  19. camop90

    camop90 New Member

    well ive seen cafe's still running after like 15 years. lolz and someone said something about std's are now called sti's.. your wrong. For a start an STI is different from an STD. STD's are things like AIDS\HIV. where as STI's are things like scabies etc etc.
  20. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    you just made me laugh so hard cause you just tried to correct me making your self look like in idiot
    i don't want to turn this thread in to a debate on what that red lump on your dick is called but i have to put this muppet down

    i can teach it to teens so i do know

    it is now called sti (sexually transmitted INFECTION) because technically everything you get from that scank you banged is an INFECTION (even hiv is classed as an infection) not a DISEASE

    std (sexually transmitted DISEASE) is not what is growing tenticals from your crotch its an infection so they changed it partly because it was wrongly named and also because it takes the stigma away from having one because your only INFECTED not DISEASED

    and by the way scabies is a disease and i damn hope you don't get it from a ladies cha cha

    your the one who got confused and need to go brush up on your sex ed before you go getting scabies :D

    back on topic

    it would be a bad idea to have stripper infections rub off on your sandwich :p