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Which to replay?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by ImLeelorp, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. ImLeelorp

    ImLeelorp Guest

    Ive finished all of these games, but want to replay TWO as I am bored with some of the current games. Which of these not only have great replayability once youre finished it, but once youve already played it.

    Fire Emblem DS
    Valkyrie Profile
    Newest Mystery Dungeon

  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Assassin's Creed 2 and Pokemon Platinum
  3. ImLeelorp

    ImLeelorp Guest

    Hmm good choices, both very different. what kinds of replayability does AC2 have, i didnt notice much
  4. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    Ninjatown~ only play it once.... it gets boring REALLY easily... if you like these kind of games... go for it... otherwise... its a waste of time

    Platinum~ pokemon's "gotta catch em all!" theory is always a candidate... you could try the Global Terminal whatchamacallit... raise pokemons levels to 100... lots of things to do...

    TWEWY~ this game is for the story... fun from the get-go... once you finish... its.. ehh... you could always play the extra chapter... or maybe play that Pin minigame..

    Newest Mystery Dungeon~ sky?
    play the extra chapters if not already... train in the marowak dojo.. recruit every pokemon... help people... explore the 'unknown' dungeons.... there are a lot of things to do after you finish the main storyline...

    my choices: pkmn: mystery dungeon and TWEWY
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    um......i don't know which AC 2 you mean!! the ds version is good...quite thrilling and some neat things to do......other versions i'm not sure of though....
  6. ImLeelorp

    ImLeelorp Guest

    Wait, is Assassins Creed 2 DS even dumped?

    And ya, Im gonna replay Mystery Dungeon, maybe not TWEWY, im thinking soloing FFTA2?