When you log onto to the forum, which section/s do you immediately go to? Or which sections do you often visit?? For me its: 1. The general Discussions section - There are a lot of neat topics to go through here, ranging from serious matters, provocative issues, & a few light hearted discussions such as this one 2. Game, Jokes & Random Stuff - Sure posting on any thread in this section will not add to your post count total, but who cares!!! Some of the stuff here are down right fun & hilarious 3. Debates - Although this section's fairly new a lot of the topics here are really fun to post at. Topics covering religion, morality, logic... its really great to butt heads, figuratively ofcourse, with people & see which side of the topic they'll be defending. But recently I started topics that are more close to ourselves in a way, topics like fashion, bullying & being bullied & the real value of reputations, topics most kids, because there are a lot of teens on the site, face on a daily basis.
I go to whatever's in orange, from the top down. I usually mark Introductions as read since nothing interesting happens there.
And what's worse is no one follows the rules, it's there stickied on top "Make your introductions longer & interesting" ???
I go to all of the sections, but I always go to the Support and Emulation sections first because you know..