I've been through a LOT of CFW's and HEN's today to see which I like best...outta boredom. xD a list.. 5.50 GEN-D3 5.50 GEN-D3 PROMETHEUSv3/v4 5.00 M33-4 5.00 M33-6 ChickHEN 6.20 TN-X HEN(X means i've done all 4. xD) As of right now, M33-6 is my very favorite...GEN-D3 didn't appear to support any of my plugins, and neither did PROMETHEUS. So...What's your favorite?
Depends on which PSP and firmware you have, you may only have to prefer using only one CFW. Since I have 3000 and GO, so the firmware I prefer are 5.03 Prom-2, and TN-D with Prometheus ISO Loader(or aLoader). and chickHEN and TN-HEN is not CFW, but HEN.
Not to be nitpicky but when you say they are not firmware they are HEN you should say. "Homebrew Enabler" Since a lot of people dont realize thats what HEN stands for >.>; Just sayin. As for me, and my PSP-1000 I use 5.50 GEN-D3 with Prometheus 4
PROMETHEUS is good, but it doesn't support Ultimate VHS menu, or POPS. EDIT: M33-6 is even more pwnage with the M33 620 plugin, and the MS speed up. <3
Mine runs Ultimate VHS menu just fine. o_o And I don't have any issues with PSX games on my PSP either.