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Which one...

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by JoeBobbyWii, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. JoeBobbyWii

    JoeBobbyWii Member

    Which one of these should I download to add to my Edge DS?

    [NDS] 1617 - Call Of Duty 4 (U)(Micronauts).rar
    [NDS] 1639 - Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (I)(PUPPA).rar
    [NDS] 1642 - Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (F)(XMS).rar
    [NDS] 1635 - Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (G)(sUppLeX).rar
    [NDS] 1634 - Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (E)(XMS).rar
    [NDS] 2133 - Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (J)(Caravan

    What's the difference, or are they all the same?
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    They're different region games, meaning they have different languages. Read the little letters enclosed in (), like J is Japanese, G is German, F is French and so on. If you only speak English, go for the (U) version. (E) is European and in most cases it will contain English but many other languages.
  3. JoeBobbyWii

    JoeBobbyWii Member

    So does the "XMS" "PUPPA" stuff make a difference, or should I just look at the letter?
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    That's the name of the release group, the people who dumped or put the ROM or game online. Basically all you should really look at is the language letter. Read this if you have any more questions about tags. https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php/topic,1359.0.html
  5. JoeBobbyWii

    JoeBobbyWii Member

    Thanks. :)