Which one should i get? I received enough points on a place to get one of those things and a game. so,....which one
In my opinion, all 3 have similar functions. They can be used as an external hard drive, play games, and what not. However, you then can break it down by what the other systems can't do. iPod touch has little application games that may be addicting for a while, but will get boring. The DSi comes with a camera ( if i remember correctly) while the other 2 do not. On the PSP you can listen to music, play games, get on the internet via a wireless connection, and watch movies. All in all it is your decision as to which one you want, and which one you can see yourself playing the most. That way you wont feel like you wasted money on something that will hold your interest for maybe a few weeks. Best of luck to you!
Well which one has the most games that you would like? Or maybe a specific game you'd really really like to play? I did vote for PSP though. Oh but I heard they're making a new DSi and they haven't even released the DSiXL here yet. So you might want to consider that too.