Hey guys and ladies, I'm having trouble choosing a mouse mat! So would like to ask members of Romulation to help me out and let me know if you have either one or have experienced using them. First one I looked at was: http://www.play.com/PC/PCs/4-/5985737/Razer-Goliathus-Cloth-Gaming-Mat-Alpha-Speed/Product.html Second one: http://www.play.com/PC/PCs/4-/842103/Razer-Mantis-Speed-Mat/Product.html Thanks for your time and help!
some gamers will have you believe that. You generally do need one, but in my experience it doesnt matter otherwise.
i use my french schoolbook, it does its job finely. i'd choose the second, it has two surfaces (one for precision and another for speed, and, although it might not look like it, it helps a lot. i use the precision one only). it's a 1.5€ difference, what the hell is that? my opinion, though.
I get a little dirt on my desk, so my mouse scratches around without a mouse mat, so they defiantly have their place on my desk.