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Which is the best flashcard for the NDSi?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AdrianMorales, May 26, 2009.

  1. AdrianMorales

    AdrianMorales Active Member


    Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm thinking about buying a NDSi and I was wondering what flashcard to get. For my NDS Lite I have an EDGE, but since they are not yet supporting the 'i' I've decided to look for some alternatives. Question is: what are these alternatives?
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    acekard 2i is the best.
  3. AdrianMorales

    AdrianMorales Active Member

    Thanks! I'll look into it.
  4. Zoidberg56

    Zoidberg56 Active Member

    I'm really unsure as to whether to buy a flashcart and whether to buy the AceKard2i or the soon to be released M3iZero. My last post on here I pointed out that Nintendo could just block the carts through updates but as long as the cart has some good backing by the company like M3 does and probably the AceKard2i then surely they could just release a patch to be downloaded to sort that problem out. So does anyone know when the M3iZero is coming out and whether a downloadable firmware patch for the flashcart would prevent it from being blocked.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    All dsi adapable cards should have upgradable firmware to counter nintendo's...

    But don't upgrade your dsi often-one dasy they might make a firmware type that can't be bypassed ie breaks your dsi/flashcart, etc...

    Like a psp, don't upgrade often or ever even :)
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Nope. Some don't have their own backup method to reflash firmware to counter if any update blocks them.
  7. Zoidberg56

    Zoidberg56 Active Member

    Ok this is kinda urgent so I would appreciate help ASAP.

    I have ordered an M3iZERO from an American site and I live in the EU and have an EU DSi, it has only just occurred to me that the cart may not work with my EU DSi due to it being from another country. So my question is, are the M3iZERO's adapted for different countries or are they all the same card regardless of where they are released?
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It will work for any DSi.
  9. orbicularis

    orbicularis New Member

    As of now.. what is the best flash card for ndsi that can support poke platinum, professor layton, GTA etc. I was planning to buy a ndsi this month but I'm considering an ndslite because updating issue.. I hope someone will help me.. thanks.. ;D
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Still Acekard 2i.
  11. Blazaking

    Blazaking Member

    EZFlash Vi is a nice choice.
  12. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Yea, thats a good one to, but the best is the ACEKARD2i.
  13. vkidd206

    vkidd206 Well-Known Member

    m3i zero is the best flash card. whats good about the acekard2i and the ezflash vi.
  14. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Things that are great about the AK2i:
    -You can update the loader .ETC right on your DS, no need to plug in your micro SD into the computer
    -Auto Patcher
    -Highest game capability
    -1,000s of skins
    -You can delete,copy and paste files right on the AceKard, no need to go to your computer
    -Supports MircoSDHC
    -Built in Cheat Editor
    -Auto file trimmer
    -Multi-Language Support
    -AK 2 will start in the folder you last ran software from.
    Every file and folder has an icon in front of the name. Softwares will display their icon directly.
    Using the simple list view more files will be shown on screen.
    You can config the scrolling speed and whether to show the hidden files.
    -Supports softreset and wifi play.

    And lots more!
  15. vkidd206

    vkidd206 Well-Known Member

    okay the acekard is better. then whats so good about the ezflash vi.
  16. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    Hmm, THAT I can't answer since I don't own one, but I know people who do.

    So I guess you win the EZFlash V.S. M3iZero round.... for now.... :p
  17. vkidd206

    vkidd206 Well-Known Member

    read your list for acekard. whats the auto patcher and the cheat editer. is the cheat editer for making your own cheats or something else.one more thing so you could copy your own games in it with out using the computer to copy the games.
  18. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member

    It automatically patches most games when you fire up the AK2i, so you dont have to.

    Acekard 2i support Action Replay cheats in .dat, .xml and .cc format. You can select how to use AR cheats by using the build-in editor.
    Copy AR cheats in .dat or .xml format to /__ak2/cheats. Copy .cc format file to the same directory of file.
    Press "Y" to popup the editor.
    Select "Cheat DB file".
    Select the cheat file.
    Select "Rebuild".
    If you have the cheat code of the software then a list window will be shown. You can use "X" and "Y" to enable or disnable them.
    Press "A" to save your changes and enter software for fun

    You can use copy, paste and delete at the files in MicroSD card.
  19. vkidd206

    vkidd206 Well-Known Member

    how much a acekard cost to get.
    Post Merge: [time]1263863741[/time]
    this is why my m3izero better. not better then the acekard but better then th ezflash.
    1.supports download play
    2.excellent homebrew support dldi auto patcher.
    3.supports slow motion features.
    4.supports software function.
    5.super cheat function.
    6.rombus and skinable gui.
    7.build in passme.
    8.continues to update.
    9.100% game campatibilty.
    10.multi langauge system.
    11.supports micro SDHC(capacticiy over 4gb,8gb,16gb,32gb.
    12.supports real time save function save and restore any time.
    13.compatible with ds,dsl,dsi.
    14.supports 4 scale lightness.
    15.supports reading individual codes file cheat.
    16. supports rumble pack gba expansion pack and ds browser.
    And m3i zero got more stuff,to lazy to tipe it down.
  20. slingshot182

    slingshot182 Well-Known Member