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Which is a better game?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by VIII...., Jun 9, 2009.

  1. VIII....

    VIII.... Well-Known Member

    which one of these games is better?

    Monster Hunter Freedom (1,2 or united)
    Dynasty Warriors: Strike Force

    i want to get one of these games but i dont know which one is better.

    i've played the demos of both but they just really say what the combat systems like and not how the story plays out or how you make weapons etc.
    just say which one you think is better
  2. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Personally I preferred Monster Hunter Freedom over Dynasty Warriors.
  3. kileak

    kileak Well-Known Member

    Depending on ur preference as the Dynasty Kingdom is more casual gaming approach and Monster Hunter series is only recommendable if you have a plenty or at least a few friends to do the hunt together as the game is very challenging and not easy to master especially the camera control.
  4. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Both games are Fail.
  5. kileak

    kileak Well-Known Member

    Well, not quite agree with ur comment coz the Monster Hunter do single handedly brings ip the PSP sales in Jap and Asian market. A lot of PSP owners which are my friends consider it as the only reason to play the PSP. Like I mentioned before, if you had a bunch of friends to play the MH then it will be a fun game if you are going solo then you really have to be real good in it.
  6. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    if your not good in monster hunter then its hard.
    that's the only disadvantage of monster hunter.
    dynasty warriors has a lot of disadvatages.
  7. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    This is the reason why I hate them both
  8. VIII....

    VIII.... Well-Known Member

    in the new monster hunter (united) you can add people to your party. so its not exactly solo

    and i mean the new dynasty warriors. its completey different from the others. its more like a MMO dungeon cralwer with tons of acrobatics and power ups (theres a weird tranforming thing kinda like dragonballz's super saiyan)
  9. kileak

    kileak Well-Known Member

    I know MH is not a solo game but the challenge is that do you have any other friends to play with you? If what you mean is that it comes with AI partner then I will have to tell you the only person that u add inot the party is a Cat which a helper or assist but not fellow Hunter. Play the game once and you will understand what I meant.

    The DW is basically still the same and yes it does improve on the moveset but you must understand that it will not change it as a slash-them-all like all other DW.

    I own both of the games and I did play both of it. Thanks.
  10. VIII....

    VIII.... Well-Known Member

    from what i played in the demo dynasty warriors what very different from the others
    you start off in a town where you can buy stuff like weapons then go to the mission board and select a mission then you go through the map like a dungeon crawler beat the boss and mission done.
    yea the combat is gonna be the same but with some new moves but it was very different from the normal strategetic conquest thingy
  11. Kyotachi

    Kyotachi Active Member

    MH is liek Pokemon. Minus the Powkemanz.

    Instead of collecting Powkeman, you Kill different kinds of "Monsters" ,Then use they're remains for your gear. Awesome ain't it!? Some monsters are difficult to fight, yet epic, making things feel worthwhile. The only downside to MH is it gets tedious at times. MH for starters, can get boring at first. But if you continue playing, you'll learn to love MH. Especially with the power of friendship.

    Unfortunately, just liek Powkeman, MH gets repetitive.
    MH>DW - MH>Powkeman.
  12. kileak

    kileak Well-Known Member

    It seems like you already made up your mind, it's just that you want some second opinion but based on your replies it seems like u like the DW a lot. I have full respect to each gamers choice as all taste is different.

    Then time to purchase it and enjoy it. :)

    Have fun.