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Which Flashcart to get?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by KeeganV, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. KeeganV

    KeeganV Active Member

    Im looking for a new flashcart for my DS lite. Which cart should I buy and which site should I buy from? I'm looking at either the Acekard or the wood r4.
    What I'm looking for is dependability and a high compatability rate, but im not sure which cart to get or where. Thanks in advance.
  2. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    acekard 2i or if you can afford one supercarddstwo and get a sakura m3 real or EZ flash 3 in one so you can play GBA, two in fact
  3. KeeganV

    KeeganV Active Member

    And where should I purchase one?
  4. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    For 1, if he gets the SCDS2, he won't need those, and the EZ flash 3 in 1 only works with DS lite/phat.

    So ask some questions first...

    my turn :)

    What exactly are you looking for? We know you want maximum compatibility, but is it going to be used on a DSi/DS lite/DS phat?
    Do you want to play GBA games on it?
    Do you need perfect homebrew compatibility?
    Would you like a spring ejected side insert, or a top, non-spring ejected insert?

    The site is use: Ishopvideogame.com
  5. KeeganV

    KeeganV Active Member

    It's going to be for a DS lite, I dont care about GBA games, and I'm not sure what you mean by homebrew or the spring eject thing.
  6. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    OK, since i got those, ignore my PM, and this is what you want. :)

    It's the best choice for the money, just use AKAIO with it :D
  7. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Ryan,is it me or is that site youve linked got extortionate prices.

    e.g I though an Acekard2i is about $13 and an 8gb card is about $15= yet they want $45
  8. jpm83160

    jpm83160 Well-Known Member

    Im partial to acekard 2i.i have 5 of them,and one REAL r4.....
    this is who i goto....


    i've never had a problem with these guys.i get my order back in 2 to 3 days.....

    worth looking at ok

    have fun!
  9. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    It's not that cheap anywhere 0.0

    BTW, those prices include shipping.
    And plus, i've always used that site, i've been ripped off with fakes by about 7 sites, that's the first to not do so, and i've ordered from there multiple times because of that >.>
    By ripped off i mean received fakes >.>

    Oh, and another thing, based on this. you're only paying for the micro SD >.>

    (that's what they sell for in stores near me to...)
  10. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    For all that like realhotstuff, remember to check out their hk site. It does ship from China, so it takes a little longer, but prices are lower overall.


    Most people just suggest the American site, but if you're looking for the best price and don't care about shipping, the hk site is the way to go. Heck, it might not matter depending on where you're from.
  11. alukado

    alukado Well-Known Member

    http://lightake.com/detail.do/sku.21154 Pre-flashed Ak2i , $12.99 shipped .
  12. jjyypi

    jjyypi Member

  13. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

  14. KeeganV

    KeeganV Active Member

    Thanks for all yoyr help guys but im probably going with the Supercarddstwo
  15. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Ryan,that link supplies micros for 3 x the price I pay for them.
  16. tsubakix2

    tsubakix2 Well-Known Member

    Definitely get an Acekard 2i. Such an improvement over my old R4 clone thing.