Hi Which flash card other than the Acekard is the best? I'm thinking about buying a new R4i but I need one which updates the cheat database regularly.
If you want to update your cheat database, you have to download an updated CHEAT.dat file and copy that to the flash cart. The more common flash carts, such as the R4i or Acekard 2i, offer compatibility with these cheat files that you download from in the internet. So, if you can download an updated cheat file, it will work on either flash cart. To answer your first question, there is no other flash cart on the market right now that is better than the Acekard 2i. miros
Good choices: Acekard2/2i Edge/iEdge CycloDS As far as no other being better than the Acekard, it's not entirely true, and heavily based on opinion. The Acekard 2i is definitely the best DSi compatible flashcart though, but they still don't have some of the features that other cards have (Like RTS and possibly the in game text viewer, not sure if they have that or not). I believe acekard is the cheapest one. AKAIO has the ability to update cheat databases through the DS Wifi. But you can update your databases manually for just about every flashcart available by using http://cheats.gbatemp.net Try the TEMP folder too, since it has databases that are updated more frequently.