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Which cart is good for DSi?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by hiello604, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    I am getting an DSi (not DSi XL) because my original DS broke today. :'(
    I have been searching online for which flashcart is best and many says the SuperCard DSTWO is great but I looked at the price and it is a bit pricey for me and I heard that it takes 40% of battery. I looked up another version of Supercard and it is called Supercard DSONEi, it is on the cheaper side, so I was wondering if the Supercard DSONEi will work perfectly on DSi without waiting for patches.

    On my original DS, I am using original R4 cart so right now using WOOD R4, I was wondering if I can transfer my game/save files from Wood R4 to the Supercard DSONEi. I know not the same company but I don't want to start over all my game files. So if anyone can help me answer my questions, that'll be greatly appreciated! ;D

    I hope anybody can solve my problems.

    Please and thank you!!
  2. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Through your search, haven't you looked into the Acekard 2i? If I'm not mistaken, AK is the second most supported flash cart on the scene to date when it comes to compatibility and firmware support through AKAIO. It's much much cheaper than the Supercard dstwo and it's features may seem barebones compared to the dstwo, but it's more than enough for simply enjoying ds roms and a few media file types. I suggest you look into that as well, as another option besides SUpercard. :)
  3. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the input. I didn't choose Acekard 2i because from forums I've read online, says that you have to wait awhile for updates while the supercards don't have to because they have their own patch program where you don't have to wait for the patched rom. On shoptemp, it cost 20$ online with free shipping for the DSONEi, the supercard DSTWO is way expensive for me. Well, everyone seem to love the supercard for the DSi instead of the Acekard 2i.
  4. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    waiting a while for updates is good, that means the firmware is doing its job
  5. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and they said there are fake Acekard 2i recently as I searched more into it. Everyone seem to be going to Supercard now. So I am unsure now. grr. Why so many flashcarts. lol
  6. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    its either supercard dstwo (35$) or acekard 2i (15$). not much to think about it. both have perfect compatibility with games. supercard has one more thing that attracts many people, which is the gba emulation capability. but dont go for supercard dsone, its bad.
  7. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    Well, I think everyone goes with Supercard dstwo is because it plays clean roms that has AP whereas Acekard 2i have to wait for updates. Well, thinking about it, just spending 40$ isn't bad because all gamecarts are 40$ for new releases, so it might be worth the money but I don't like how it takes 40% of the battery. Oh, the supercard dsone sucks? damn. Now I'm back to square 1. lol
  8. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    acekard as of now is really good too. since akaio 1.8.1 was recently released. it kinda has something similar to supercard which is to bypass the ap in games, if needed. supercard dstwo does consume alot of battery. i have an acekard 2i, and personally. i think it is amazing, i havent had much problems other than akaio took a little longer to be released because of some bugs it had. if you have for dstwo, go for that one, thats what i recommend
  9. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your input.
    is DSONE and DSONEi the same thing or different version of flashcarts?
  10. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    they are the same, i just forgot to add the i
  11. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    Oh okay! :)
    I just hope when I buy it, i hope i don't get a fake Acekard 2i if I buy it especially, i am a girl. haha. I'm kinda new to new flashcarts for DSi.
    Do you have a DSi by any chance? Because I searched and they said that if you update DSi, they blocked some flashcarts, is that true?
  12. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    are you planning in getting the acekard then?
    buy it from here:
    its true they block it. here in this page choose in the service option: premium service and they send it flash so it can work on dsi. this a reliable website. bought my card from here. and they have real acekards.
  13. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    Oh, you need to get the Acekard 2i flashed before purchasing it? I live in Canada and I'm not sure if my package will be passed because they search through the package at customs before approving it.
    I was going to buy it at this game store nearby that sells it but do i need to get it flashed? I don't really know what flashed is, actually. lol
    If you don't mind explaining. lol. I'm sorry for wasting your time on a basic question. lol
  14. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    you can do it yourself but you need a ndsl or a dsi with 1.3 or lower to flash it
    Post Merge: [time]1287519561[/time]
    flashing is basically it makes the card work on higher dsi firmwares. there is no need to get into details
  15. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    Oh, I'm not sure about the firmware for dsi nowadays. Will I be able to check it once I get the console? I am getting it by Friday, i hope. lol
    Well, what if it's dsi firmware 1.4? will I be able to flash it or do I need someone else to do it for me?

    That's why I was thinking of Supercard DSONEi.
  16. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    if you are just buying your dsi on friday. then it will most likely be in firmware 1.4.1. so you need to find someone with a ds, ndsl, or dsi firmware 1.3 or lower. and you will need the files to do it. but those are easy to find. and flashing is pretty simple
  17. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    Oh, can you explain to me how to flash it and how to hack the firmware 1.3 from ds? lol.
    I don't really know all these technical terms. lol
    So are other cards needing to be flashed like supercard also?

    http://gbatemp.net/t259235-current-flashcards-working-with-dsi-1-4-1?&st=0(will this work if I dont flash it?) lol
  18. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    that works that link you gave is for flashing/fixing the flashcart to work on updated dsi's! :). the supercard also needs a file to make it work. its found in that link you gave me. the nds and ndsl dont have firmwares. that is why the fix/flashing can be done on those, or not needed if you are geting one of these.
  19. hiello604

    hiello604 Well-Known Member

    I found a video also. Will this do too?
  20. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    yes, it works. even though it says for 1.4. its the same thing for 1.4.1. you just have to download the file from the other link you have